Not disregarded, placed in its proper context, theres a difference between portions of the Bible that are prescriptive and portions that are descriptive. I mean, I dont (nor do any reasonable Christians) teach that women should be silent in church (Paul teaches this in his letter to the church in Corinth). Is that applicable to me today in Little Rock Arkansas in 2006, nope. By studying the background, Corinth in the 1st century, and several other things can I learn from those letters, which may or may not be applicable in my teachings.Old Man G Funk said:So, all that junk to learn from could just as easily be disregarded in your opinion, so long as one loves god and other people?
Gathering as a community of followers of Jesus has much more to do than just learning the what are you allowed to do.Old Man G Funk said:Why do Christians even need to go to church more than once?
The Jewish Christians I know follow the teachings of Jesus and observe the Torah. Now for these people since the majority of Pauls letters are to Gentile communities, these Jewish Christians dont spend the same amount of time as most protestant Pauline types do.Old Man G Funk said:What about the Christians of Jewish heritage? Are they more responsible for following the NT?
Since the Hebraic context of the New Testament (and the Old Testament for that matter) has been largely ignored for 1500+ years I really dont care if they dont agree with me or not.Old Man G Funk said:Either way, you've drawn a line in the sand that most would not agree with. How do you square your stance with theirs?