
vaccinations : part 2 : children -and- adults


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
So, back on track... All this talk and seeing the genetics counselor this morning has me almost ready to throw up.

Question: How many of you, if testing discovered that your kid was going to have down syndrome or some other focked up disease would terminate and try again?

Personally I would want to terminate and try again. This is for my own sanity and the sake of the kid. I am pretty irresponsible and I would likely do more harm than good to a special needs child.

Opie, Brian, and Rob knock it the fvck off. We finally have a thread discussing somethign other then PSPs lack of intelligence, "Teh Ghey", or political paranoia and you all have to fvck it up. Stop already. No wonder people like Partsbara don't come here anymore. This place is turning into PinkBike.
You want real, solid medical information? Go to a medical website and solicit opinions from people who matter, not a cycling site where opinions are like assholes.

If you want opinions, fine. Here's my opinion: if I were ever known to be having a retarded/deficient/malformed/whatever kid, yes, I'd abort it and try again. Hopefully, by the time I am ready for kids, I'll be able to screen those poor genes out and practice some kind of "selective genetics" to ensure they're not as dumb as most of the people in this world.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
You want real, solid medical information? Go to a medical website and solicit opinions from people who matter, not a cycling site where opinions are like assholes.

If you want opinions, fine. Here's my opinion: if I were ever known to be having a retarded/deficient/malformed/whatever kid, yes, I'd abort it and try again. Hopefully, by the time I am ready for kids, I'll be able to screen those poor genes out and practice some kind of "selective genetics" to ensure they're not as dumb as most of the people in this world.
I am not looking for solid medical information here. That doesn't mean we can't have a semi intelligent discussion about things.


Oct 17, 2002

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
My sister (37) is up the duff and is driving my mum nuts with all the "what-ifs"...you know things like "The doctor said on the scan the baby was a little smaller than usual, so I think that means it's gonna be born with 3 arms"....cue hysterical break-down on the telephone.
If you're a control freak (like my sister) I can see how having a kid will throw you into a tizzy.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
My sister (37) is up the duff and is driving my mum nuts with all the "what-ifs"...you know things like "The doctor said on the scan the baby was a little smaller than usual, so I think that means it's gonna be born with 3 arms"....cue hysterical break-down on the telephone.
If you're a control freak (like my sister) I can see how having a kid will throw you into a tizzy.
Since you're a cruel and heartless bastard, I assume you already showed your sister the stats for old broads who get preggers?

If not, let me know, and I'll find some.

Paging Dr. Toshi to the white courtesy phone...

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
My sister (37) is up the duff and is driving my mum nuts with all the "what-ifs"...you know things like "The doctor said on the scan the baby was a little smaller than usual, so I think that means it's gonna be born with 3 arms"....cue hysterical break-down on the telephone.
If you're a control freak (like my sister) I can see how having a kid will throw you into a tizzy.
It's tough when a women is older, my wife had our daughter when she was 38, man o man the tests she went through:shocked: Thank goodness everything was great, but there definitely more at risk if the mother is older.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
It's tough when a women is older, my wife had our daughter when she was 38, man o man the tests she went through:shocked: Thank goodness everything was great, but there definitely more at risk if the mother is older.
That's why we're watching everything closely, and getting tests done. My wife is 37 and this is our first kid. Truth be told we would like to have waited a couple more years but time is running out. We figured that if we were going to do it then sooner would be better than later.

Everything looks good so far... due date is Dec 14th.


Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
That's why we're watching everything closely, and getting tests done. My wife is 37 and this is our first kid. Truth be told we would like to have waited a couple more years but time is running out. We figured that if we were going to do it then sooner would be better than later.

Everything looks good so far... due date is Dec 14th.

That's cool, congrats. Does add a bit more stress waiting for all the results, then you can relax a bit until you're getting down till the final days. Then your life changes forever.


Jun 1, 2008
something like 70 % of women are infertile by 37...people don't seem to realize until its too late womens fertility dimishes at 30 yrs


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Also, Whooping Cough (Pertusis (sp?)) is still the most active virus in Colorado.

Wanna know how it's spread?

By adults!

Adults who haven't had a booster shot in years. Apparently, you've got enough in you to protect you, BUT not enough to prevent you from being a carrier.
We've got a Whooping Cough problem. And our doctor told us, until we get our son vaccinated, not to go to any international airport.
Colorado has an estimated 7% of all children unvaccinated and there is zero discussion on getting adults their booster shots. Whooping Cough has become a problem again.
it's back

wife's had it for 4 wks on monday (shoulda got the pertussis booster)

daughter & i are seemingly immune


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
it's back

wife's had it for 4 wks on monday (shoulda got the pertussis booster)

daughter & i are seemingly immune
It has been declared an epidemic here at derp University of Washington. As usual I will rely on my hatred of human contact and everyone else getting immunized to stay healthy.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
it's back

wife's had it for 4 wks on monday (shoulda got the pertussis booster)

daughter & i are seemingly immune
It has been declared an epidemic here at derp University of Washington. As usual I will rely on my hatred of human contact and everyone else getting immunized to stay healthy.