
Val di Sole Bikeland World Cup 2019

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ancient crusty bog dude
Jul 7, 2013
Free Soda Refills at Fuddruckers
Sick (and tired) of Red Bull presentation during DH - yes that is Rob Warner and Claudio Calouri hot box. These two are not announcers and will never be announcers. Last one in Andorra - tenths and hundredths were the same intervals for a couple runs. I mean - isn't 'Look at the Time' the only thing that Rob Warner is capable being remembered for? There were a couple runs where Rob Warner would be rounding up time splits like an ass also - pretty sure a .252 split became a .26 But, each race is with something hideous and piss-poor in presentation. I'm not wanting to be the Ivy Leaguer. Pretty sure these two will start seeing UFO's and flashing lights from above during an upcoming event.

Going at this rate is actually worse than having no coverage whatsoever. DH is much better served from what current resources to have Mickey Mouse host each Internet Stream instead increase footage-content and incorporating the announcing each race provides outward to the venue. Or hire some competent people who remain neutral amongst the competitors and (most important)...


...speak coherently.


Jun 5, 2013
Anyone complaining about Warner and Claudio have never watched a crankworx broadcast. Besides Micayla, that shit is painful to watch.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Anyone complaining about Warner and Claudio have never watched a crankworx broadcast. Besides Micayla, that shit is painful to watch.
tru dat. and also, i have nothing wrong with complaining about RW or claudio or RB (ESPECIALLY RB). but don't start a thread about VDS and then proceed to not talk about VDS.


closer to Periwinkle
Apr 19, 2013
sw ontario canada
Sick (and tired) of Red Bull presentation during DH - yes that is Rob Warner and Claudio Calouri hot box. These two are not announcers and will never be announcers. Last one in Andorra - tenths and hundredths were the same intervals for a couple runs. I mean - isn't 'Look at the Time' the only thing that Rob Warner is capable being remembered for? There were a couple runs where Rob Warner would be rounding up time splits like an ass also - pretty sure a .252 split became a .26 But, each race is with something hideous and piss-poor in presentation. I'm not wanting to be the Ivy Leaguer. Pretty sure these two will start seeing UFO's and flashing lights from above during an upcoming event.

Going at this rate is actually worse than having no coverage whatsoever. DH is much better served from what current resources to have Mickey Mouse host each Internet Stream instead increase footage-content and incorporating the announcing each race provides outward to the venue. Or hire some competent people who remain neutral amongst the competitors and (most important)...

View attachment 135943

...speak coherently.

If you really want to leave this mortal coil, then avail yourself of old Freecaster vids before Redbull.
That aught to make blow a gasket and stroke out; then all of your problems will be over.



Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
Whatever. You can resume fawning over yourself and sell out the sport in the process.
LOL. I love the "sell out" argument. Especially when it makes no sense in the context of your first post where you are specifically asking for more professionalism and that's usually connected to commercialization. Stop being salty. I remember not being able to see the races for years. Now I get decent coverage, it's much more stable than the old ones and decent commentary of people who screw up much less than most people in their job. Is it perfect? No. There are some problems with how Redbull influences UCI and that's not what you should be bitching about. You complaining about 0.252 being rounded to 0.26 makes you sound drunk, old or both.

But I get it. You want the casts to be super precise but also not corporate. Basically asking for an accountant who will also chug beer and puke on himself in the middle of the cast. Great idea mate.
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ancient crusty bog dude
Jul 7, 2013
Free Soda Refills at Fuddruckers
You really want your mom to have to wake up and shower?
Something your 'Industry Friends' are asking of you here? This makes any content of yours so special - really, it's be wonder what to do without it.

LOL. I love the "sell out" argument. Especially when it makes no sense in the context of your first post where you are specifically asking for more professionalism and that's usually connected to commercialization. Stop being salty. I remember not being able to see the races for years. Now I get decent coverage, it's much more stable than the old ones and decent commentary of people who screw up much less than most people in their job. Is it perfect? No. There are some problems with how Redbull influences UCI and that's not what you should be bitching about. You complaining about 0.252 being rounded to 0.26 makes you sound drunk, old or both.

But I get it. You want the casts to be super precise but also not corporate. Basically asking for an accountant who will also chug beer and puke on himself in the middle of the cast. Great idea mate.
Nowhere in there is any statement - you assume and speculate on things you have no control over. Okay, RBM seems to have located methods for a stable casting stream. There's also audio bundled in there...

Too manufactured an image. Part of me thinks this is back office issuance to appease shareholders, the lack of clarity and detail from the commentors booth is that bad.

Freecaster period is a familiar one, thanks. My former home may have also been home to ESPN but, I don't expect to have each and every sport on the planet only on that Network. Or, boil down to that recipe for content.

.252 to .26 as example of the meandering play by play on race day is what it is. This is not how Time is kept - unless you're a Moron.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Something your 'Industry Friends' are asking of you here? This makes any content of yours so special - really, it's be wonder what to do without it.

Nowhere in there is any statement - you assume and speculate on things you have no control over. Okay, RBM seems to have located methods for a stable casting stream. There's also audio bundled in there...

Too manufactured an image. Part of me thinks this is back office issuance to appease shareholders, the lack of clarity and detail from the commentors booth is that bad.

Freecaster period is a familiar one, thanks. My former home may have also been home to ESPN but, I don't expect to have each and every sport on the planet only on that Network. Or, boil down to that recipe for content.

.252 to .26 as example of the meandering play by play on race day is what it is. This is not how Time is kept - unless you're a Moron.



Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
Something your 'Industry Friends' are asking of you here? This makes any content of yours so special - really, it's be wonder what to do without it.

Nowhere in there is any statement - you assume and speculate on things you have no control over. Okay, RBM seems to have located methods for a stable casting stream. There's also audio bundled in there...

Too manufactured an image. Part of me thinks this is back office issuance to appease shareholders, the lack of clarity and detail from the commentors booth is that bad.

Freecaster period is a familiar one, thanks. My former home may have also been home to ESPN but, I don't expect to have each and every sport on the planet only on that Network. Or, boil down to that recipe for content.

.252 to .26 as example of the meandering play by play on race day is what it is. This is not how Time is kept - unless you're a Moron.
First of all Jesus stop writing angry or drunk. Your sentences are really hard to understand. I speculate on things I have no control over? What does that even mean? What do I want to control? Your mind or RB? Also that's when you speculate - when you don't have access to credible, verifiable information. To quote the dictionary speculation is "the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence." So yeah I'm speculating.

The rest of your post makes even less sense. "There audio is bundled there". "Too manufactured image". What does this even mean? Also do you really think RB has bad sound on purpose because bad service quality makes RB Shareholders happy? Not to mention RB doesn't have shareholders since it's not a publicly traded company but an LLC.

I also have no idea what "too manufactured image means". I am repeating it because it makes no sense to me.

Also if you don't want ESPN quality then what exactly do you want? You have not given us a list of demands. Jesus I'm happy you're not earning money by highjacking planes since that would really be shit for everyone involved.

Also 0.252 and 0.26 is what's called rounding numbers. Yes it's bad since it should be 0.25 but last time I checked rounding numbers is not punishable by a Game of Thrones style walk of shame through the main streets of Whistler.

To cut it short - don't drink and post.
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