
Valentine's ideas?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Threesome. There's nothing more romantic than wanting to share the love you have for your girlfriend with a third party.

jon cross

Jan 27, 2004
Banner Elk, NC
I had my first genuine sappy stupid romantic idea ever-
The girl I'm seeing goes to college about 2 hours from where I live, so I visit on the weekends usually.
She's a hard working student, studies too much

I'm writing her a book, illustrating it, making the binding, the works- and I'm having her friends set it up so that book ends up in her bag when she goes to the pub to meet her study group, which will be me.

If all goes according, I'm hoping she will be shocked, but happily so.

A question for the ladies: is it true that the key to winning a woman's heart is to be spontaneous and surprise them?


AAAAH! Monkeys stole my math!
Mar 4, 2004
Boston....outside of it....
jon cross said:
A question for the ladies: is it true that the key to winning a woman's heart is to be spontaneous and surprise them?
It's an awesome idea!

:thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

My bf and I took all the 'romance' outta valentine's day this time.
He got me some monitors (very nice ones), and I am taking him Karting.


dh girlie

golgiaparatus said:
You guys are really helpful helpful. Any womens want to chime in, what kind of V day stuff does it for you?
Well which one are you planning to spend V-Day with? If it's the anorexic...don't waste your money on a nice dinner...

If it's the psycho...get her some help...

HAHA...just kidding...

It depends on what the persons into...what kinda stuff does she like to do?
Jul 28, 2003
Eat, ME
golgiaparatus said:
You guys are really helpful helpful. Any womens want to chime in, what kind of V day stuff does it for you?
Personally I hate the pressure that media makes everyone feel, so simple does it for me. A nice dinner, flowers, bike parts, singing Zappa songs outside my balcony, etc.. I think the fact that you thought about is and planned SOMETHING speaks volumes. If she's unimpressed and complains, make her walk back home.

The Cheese


Mr. Ho Jangles
May 9, 2003
I think I'm going to get a box of the grade school valentines ( I choo choo choose you ;)) and put them all over the house for my wife to find when she is getting ready for work.

dh girlie

SuzyCreamcheese said:
Personally I hate the pressure that media makes everyone feel, so simple does it for me. A nice dinner, flowers, bike parts, singing Zappa songs outside my balcony, etc.. I think the fact that you thought about is and planned SOMETHING speaks volumes. If she's unimpressed and complains, make her walk back home.

The Cheese
there you go! I once worked with this girl that was bragging about how her boyfriend handed her the sale ad for one of these low budget crappy jewelry stores and told her to pick anything for valentines day...then she was all so...what BIKE PARTS will YOU be getting...and I'll tell ya what...those XTR V brakes (this was YEARS ago when that was the hot stuff) were WAY better than some low grade crappy diamond necklace she picked...hahaha!
Jul 28, 2003
Eat, ME
Morryjg said:
I think I'm going to get a box of the grade school valentines ( I choo choo choose you ;)) and put them all over the house for my wife to find when she is getting ready for work.
Put them in dresser drawers along with those awful candy hearts, too.

The Cheese

Enginerd A2

Feb 20, 2002
Ann Arbor, MI
A warm bubble bath and a glass of wine waiting for my girl when she gets home from work usually sets the tone for the evening very nicely...
Last year I cooked, this year we're going out to eat. I think as long as you at least try and your efforts are genuine, you should be good to go. Dudes can't be expected to one up themselves every year. Oh, and girls love facials, manicures, etc., at least most girls. Check out your local day spa for more gifts idea.

Edit: not that kind of facial, you sick ba$tards.

Enginerd A2

Feb 20, 2002
Ann Arbor, MI
Morryjg said:
I think I'm going to get a box of the grade school valentines ( I choo choo choose you ;)) and put them all over the house for my wife to find when she is getting ready for work.
This is a good one. I think I'm going to borrow this idea... Thanks, Morry. And yes, I intend to take all the credit for it.

dh girlie

Morryjg said:
I think I'm going to get a box of the grade school valentines ( I choo choo choose you ;)) and put them all over the house for my wife to find when she is getting ready for work.

BAHAHAHAHA! NICE simpsons reference...

RALPH: Miss Krabapple...I don't have a red crayon...

EDNA KRABAPPLE: and WHY don't you have a red crayon, Ralph?

RALPH: Because I ATE it...

dh girlie

KonaJosh said:
A warm bubble bath and a glass of wine waiting for my girl when she gets home from work usually sets the tone for the evening very nicely...
Last year I cooked, this year we're going out to eat. I think as long as you at least try and your efforts are genuine, you should be good to go. Dudes can't be expected to one up themselves every year. Oh, and girls love facials, manicures, etc., at least most girls. Check out your local day spa for more gifts idea.

Edit: not that kind of facial, you sick ba$tards.
yes, Yes we do love spa days! ESPECIALLY the SPA OF LOS GATOS...:D


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
(read: I'm too cheap to take my wife who has bore 3 of my demon spawn to a nice dinner) :D Just kidding...I don't think your children are demon spawn.
I neglected to mention that we're getting rid of the kids tomorrow night and cooking a nice steak dinner *together* and opening a bottle of '95 Bordeaux. :thumb: :sneaky:

But we're NOT celebrating Valentine's Day. :p



I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
I dunno what, if anything, he will do for me, but I intend to suprise him a couple days earlier :D He's gone way out of his way to come down and help my folks out moving this weekend, and he knows they're using him for physical strength (neither of my folks are strong enough to move the big stuff around).
However, most of the details for the evenings I'm keeping to myself. :D

And in answer to an earlier question - yes, girls like creativity, spontaniety, and thoughtfulness. The cost is a non-issue...at least in the world I grew up in
However, in a previous life when I thought V-day wasn nothing more than a boorish holiday and a recipe for disaster ...anything at all was great ;). Now I view it as an excuse to spoil and have a lot of fun :devil:


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
golgiaparatus said:

Anyone have any ideas?! Eh!

I see how it is. :eviltongu
i always thought valentines was kinda cheeesy, with the chocolate and the flowers and stuff...

i`ll just go out to eat, then to a seafront hotel.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I'm taking the wife out for a nice dinner Sunday, since she'll work late Monday. After dinner, I'll drop her off at home and go play hockey. :D

I am King Romance. :)


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
SkaredShtles said:
I neglected to mention that we're getting rid of the kids tomorrow night and cooking a nice steak dinner *together* and opening a bottle of '95 Bordeaux. :thumb: :sneaky:

But we're NOT celebrating Valentine's Day. :p

save the '95 if you can. should last another 2 decades easy!


Mr. Ho Jangles
May 9, 2003
SuzyCreamcheese said:
Put them in dresser drawers along with those awful candy hearts, too.

The Cheese
Definitely! I saw some of those candy hearts that were definitely not meant to be sent to grade school. The one that I remember was 'Let's f*'. Wonder if I could find those, that would really add some romantic sentiment. :evil: :monkey:
Jul 28, 2003
Eat, ME
Morryjg said:
Definitely! I saw some of those candy hearts that were definitely not meant to be sent to grade school. The one that I remember was 'Let's f*'. Wonder if I could find those, that would really add some romantic sentiment. :evil: :monkey:
A couple of Valentine's Days ago, I gave my sweetie one of those magnet refrigerator poetry games called Dirty Talk. It's still up on the fridge and we're still using it.

The Cheese


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
SkaredShtles said:
Valentine's is a retarded Hallmark holiday. I say boycott.


Agreed...valentine day should be every day...not used as a day to make up for the rest of the year of lack of appreciation for a loved one...JMO....D