
Valentine's ideas?


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
My wife would never come here to RM, so I can post up w/o fear of the surprise being ruined-

Background- my wife has the fairly annoying habit of leaving the cordless phone wherever her most recent call ended...our older daughter's room...the kitchen...virtually anywhere, and I can never find it in time when the next call comes in. Before I can even get grumpy about it, she always calmly reminds me to push the 'locate' button.

Well, she loves good brownies(no, not my SPECIAL kind) more than any other chocolate product. I even made them for her as a surprise on one of our earliest dates and hid them around the office where we both worked, leaving a clue to next one's location attached to a toothpick in each brownie. Next Monday before I leave for work, I am going to hide a mound of my regular homemade brownies in my bike workshop next to the laundry room with a V-day card next to them. In the card, I will let her know that I'm coming home early to make a special dinner that night...one we haven't had, again, since one of our earliest dates. Anyhow, the cordless phone carousel has this feature where you can push a button on it and the missing phone will start to ring wherever it has been left, so that one may follow the sound and again locate the phone. Right before I depart for work, I will gather up the cordless phones and leave them all in a pile next to the brownies and the card. As soon as I am driving off, I will call home on my cell phone knowing full well that it will send her into a tizzy of panic trying to locate a phone before it rolls to voicemail. I hope she likes the surprise, as our baby's medical bills are making it tough to do anything really extravagant.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
golgiaparatus said:
You guys are really helpful helpful. Any womens want to chime in, what kind of V day stuff does it for you?
Sorry....we don't do V day *shrug* We generally have a few drinks at home with dinner....wait, we do that almost every night :think:

I'm not really into the whole...candy, flowers, romance crap and trust me, Sq-earl loves that he doesn't have to fork out mucho $$$ on it too. Besides, didn't the card companies create it to make more $$$???


Mr. Ho Jangles
May 9, 2003
TreeSaw said:
Besides, didn't the card companies create it to make more $$$???
Probably. But, it's still fun to do something cool. I never lay down $$$ on stuff, just something small that you don't do everyday.