
Victor Falls...Doing it right!?


Even though there's lots of trails cut out at our favorite afterwork spot and lots of small groups of builders that build half @ss stunts(except mine ;) ) I would like to know who to contact for permission to build a FR/DH/DJ trail out there if anyone knows? I know they have organized races from time to time and there have been many stunts built over the years that are now pretty much sketchy because of the decay so I would like to go about getting permission from the land owner or owners to build a decent trail that would involve stunts, jumps and fun flowing sections. I know that it's supposed to get tore down sometime in the next couple of years but I figure that it would still be worth the effort to build a nice trail to ride so we can practice the stuff for our weekend trips to the shore, Whistler, post canyon, etc!!!

So Snacks, Skook, Oly, any of you guys know who a good POC is for the Victor area?


Jun 26, 2004
PNW woods
On the Xmas tree side, the land owner is Cascadia, and on the opposite side is White River. All the housing is going on the Cascadia side right now. Cascadia is an Asian company I believe. Once in a while, you will see asian women picking some kind of vegetation and they always have a key to the gate. Don't know how to contact them though.


Jun 26, 2004
PNW woods
Ok, and who cares is you cut down live trees. They will all be cut down as the housing continues to develop. I'm talking the cascadia side.


Turbo Monkey
Rad has a good point on the 'not a difference on nailing into live trees in this situation' as it's unfortunately a matter of time before it's all subdivisions.:mumble: :(
Even then, it's not that hard to dig several deep footers and sink support beams to build up from - that's the way it should be.
From the good-karma standpoint, I would refrain from nailing into the trees myself.
Shizzle, hope you have some luck contacting and getting clearance from owners on this one...that place deserves some :heart: for sure. The terrain is ripe with potential over there for sure.
radjockette said:
Ok, and who cares is you cut down live trees. They will all be cut down as the housing continues to develop. I'm talking the cascadia side.
Well I got reamed about putting up support braces into a few tree's for my killer catwalk stunt the last time I posted up so... I guess their arguement was that when they go to harvest the tree's the nails in them are dangerous for the lumbermen on all levels... I can see their point but I don't see the point of someone tearing down a hard earned stunt that I spent days on? It was an act of vandalism plain and simple as all the other stunts were left alone. We're guessing some kid was out there trying to be Wade Simmons and got hurt, so daddy came out to rectify the situation. Anyhow, I think building out there is fine as long as we don't damage any tree's because that place is infested with dirt bikers who tear the sh!t out of that place and no one complains. I'm thinking some dirt jumps and free standing stunts won't harm anything and that know one will give a rats @ss. Especially because the other day while riding out there I found an area that looked to be a make shift bum house of old boards and what not. I came across it in the SouthEast section and when I did there was a smoldering fire pit and I didn't see anyone around. Kind of sketchy if you ask me, possible meth lab or something.


Turbo Monkey
Yeah, I come across the occaisional dog-walker at SST that thinks we are a bunch of suicidal maniacs that are out to kill other people.
I takes at least 5 min. of explaining that we've been doing this kind of stuff for at least a couple/few years and the people that can't ride the 'crazy' stuff just avoid it all together.
Slowly but surely, I've noticed a trend of general acceptance amongst the uneducated/ignorant, but there will always be those that are 150% against our way of life/recreation.
I don't go around hollering at people on rollerblades on Alki about how dangerous and psychotic they are for blading around w/o a helmet and pads. Nor will you see me tearing out sections of paved trail just to make their way of life harder/impossible to live.
Just the fact that the BBTC is breaking ground on some mtb parks close to downtown Seattle gives me a little more hope for the future. It is catching on with enough people now to where more and more of the outside population basically HAS to accept us or have a coronary trying to outlaw us. We are in more places and we're really not bad people - word is getting around slowly but surely.
I REALLY hope you are successful w/ your bid to build, man.

p.s. - I always ride around pretending I'm Wade:p