
Video I made, Summer and new stuff.


Turbo Monkey
dwaugh said:
If I could get some shots of us trail riding, then you could really see us rip!
Same here as far as my bros & I go:thumb:
I think EVERYBODY should get vids going - once I'm off my dinosaur of a PC (read - 486 motherboard / 64k ram), I'll be able to edit all the footage I have.

I'll need a steady job before that happens. :redX:


Turbo Monkey
Ya, vids are good to have - especially if you get good carnage shots.:D
It's always good to look back just to see what you're doing right and/or wrong.

My goal for '05 is to get a digi-vid and a pencilcam for some helmetcam action - I have a couple bros I ride w/ constantly and we ride so tight together. I don't know how many times this year alone I was quoted as saying "that would have been sick if I had a helmetcam running!!!".


Turbo Monkey
May 23, 2002
Bellingham, Washington ~ U.S.A.
DBR X6 RIDER said:
Ya, vids are good to have - especially if you get good carnage shots.:D
It's always good to look back just to see what you're doing right and/or wrong.

My goal for '05 is to get a digi-vid and a pencilcam for some helmetcam action - I have a couple bros I ride w/ constantly and we ride so tight together. I don't know how many times this year alone I was quoted as saying "that would have been sick if I had a helmetcam running!!!".
Same here, but helmet cams are expensive. I want one for trail riding.

I look at videos from last year and say "I remember whan that happened", I'll be saying the same thing in 10 years. If I didnt have this stuff on tape I would forget a lot of what we did.


Turbo Monkey
I was at Glazer's Digital the other day - the digi-vids are down to $800 - still a little pricey, but getting closer...I've seen the pencil-cams advertised for under $200 as well.
I ride quite a bit as-is, but if I dropped that kind of coin into that stuff, I'd be riding CONSTANTLY!:cool:
dwaugh said:
Its of stuff from the summer and some new stuff that I just threw together. I think it's ok. But watch it with your sound ON because that will make it so much better, especially the end. (you should know that I have fun with credits sometimes)
Original post here.

Video here, right click and save target as.

Let me know what you think.

Hey Ice Bullit, etc., notice how my woods have changed? ;)
You guys are some serious lil rippers, mad props go out to you and your bro's!