
video X post from local Board


Nam I am
IF_rider posted this Video over on our local Board

you have to register to see it but it is fre and easy.

At one point I'm the one in fromt of him wearing the anti-hunter orange

If_Rider said:
I finally put some helmet cam footage together from a ride in Otis in December. Caution: it's a large 40Mb file!!

I'm going to make a smaller version at some point but I'm still working through the details of shooting, editing, compressing and hosting video. This was the first version that was acceptable to me quality-wise.

I shot it with a Sony TRV22 Mini DV CC. Editing was done with Pinnacle Studio 9 and compressed/converted to Mpeg with TMPGenc.

I know it needs to be shorter but let me know what you think.




Oct 3, 2005
splat said:
IF_rider posted this Video over on our local Board

you have to register to see it but it is fre and easy.

At one point I'm the one in fromt of him wearing the anti-hunter orange
Why don't you just post a name/pass to make it easy? Some folks aren't willing to register using a real email addy just to watch a first effort vid.


Oct 3, 2005
splat said:
Your loss ,
Oh, I'll roll the dice on that one guess.

I predict that I missed the typical first time helmetcam effort replete with herky jerky bouncy poor quality lipstick footage.

My loss.