
Visual Diary of my European Sojourns (pt 1 - Ireland)


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
I've finally gone through all my pictures i've taken from '03 and '04 while we were in Ireland, and as prompted by the "post yr best picture" thread, i've decided to throw in my own 2 bytes. This first installment is just from areas we visited in Ireland. I tried to limit the selected photos to stuff which I would think others would enjoy, from a scenery or artistic perspective. Hopefully my self-editing capabilities have succeeded.

I'll post another thread later which captures pictures from our continental trips. all photos are 600x800 so they hopefully won't mess w/ the screen too much. and all were taken w/ a Canon G2.

1st pic is a panoramic view of Trim Castle, County Meath, taken from the rear of the site.

Giant's Causeway, Co. Antrim Northern Ireland

Cliffs of Moher, Co. Clare

Pond off Sally Gap, Co. Wicklow

View from our rental cottage, Co. Antrim

Mom and Miles running on the grounds of Lismore Castle, Co. Waterford

Northern Coastline, Co. Antrim


Sep 30, 2003
Dundee, Scotland
ireland is a beautiful country, theres just something really enchanting about it.
i really want to get over there sometime this summer, dispite being so close to it i've ever ventured over there, bout time i did.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 16, 2001
getting Xtreme !
wow... nice tim, real nice... brought back some memories for sure... i lived in northern ireland for about 4 months... co. antrim, a small town named portrush which is only a stone throw from the giants causeway... awesome...

great photos mate, keep em coming


Oct 17, 2002
Awesome photos!


steve45 said:
ireland is a beautiful country, theres just something really enchanting about it.
i really want to get over there sometime this summer, dispite being so close to it i've ever ventured over there, bout time i did.
you should be ashamed of yourself :blah:

Don't y'all have a good train system? Can't you get to all sorts of places in Europe for a reasonable price and time? I'd so be traveling everywhere.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
thanks for the feedback guys. parts, it was a bit of a drive for us, but not too bad (and taking advantage that the M1 from dublin to just about newry is probably the best/fastest road in all of ireland). steve, hop on the ferry and you're there in about 45 min i think. some friends of ours took the belfast ferry to visit scotland.

imageshack limited some of my linked photos due to bandwidth, so i'll gradually leak more photos over time.


Sep 30, 2003
Dundee, Scotland
narlus said:
steve, hop on the ferry and you're there in about 45 min i think. some friends of ours took the belfast ferry to visit scotland.
aye, its only a tiny hop, definitly plan to go soon, was taking to my mate about the idea the other day, just for a day or 2, but it all depends on whenever he can get time off work.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
see if you can plan yr trip when an irish NPS race is happening. i think a moneyscalp race is happening soon, and ballycarton, rostrevor, tolleymore and ravensdale have all held races in the past year or two. head to www.irishdh.com for more info from Brock and the lads.


Beautiful stuff, narlus. Those houses below the cliffs are nuts. Good stuff. :thumb:


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
VB, no drunken pics, at least none i know iof. yossarian, you are probably correct; i couldn't remember where the county line changed from galway to clare on the drive down. we went through a cool little town called lisdoonvarna which i think has a music festival each year (although they held it in dublin in '03...:think: ).


Monkey Pimp
Jul 25, 2001
Aboard the Inchcliffe Castle
I think the county line is just north of Lisdoonvarna, which also has a matchmaking festival each year. It was in full swing when my wife and I visited, so we stayed away from LVarna, except for a quick lunch and opted to spend some extra time in Doolin, just north of the Cliffs