


Turbo Monkey
Ok so theres a couple threads on this but Im curious about your thoughts on vitamin pills in the world we currently live in.

I never really believed in vitamin pills.
I eat super healthy. Fruit and veggies every day. Lots of fatty fish but not much meat. If I do eat meat once every other week its steak imported from Paraguay, because steak is fucking awesome.
I pretty much quit drinking a couple months ago and might have a cup of my magic milk once a week to chill.
I usually sleep pretty well and I cant even remember the last time I was sick.
But reading and listening to interviews with doctors and other experts it seems taking vitamin pills might still be a good id.
Especially vitamin D defficiency seems to be linked to more severe cases of Covid-19, but Im a white dude who works outside and rides his bike outside at least once a week so that should at least cover it in spring/summer from what Ive gathered.

From what I understand its pretty easy to “overdose” on vitamin supplements which can also have a negative affect on the body. The best way to go about this would be to get your vitamin levels tested by a doctor but thats probably not gonna happen any time soon.
I see people saying that if you take1000IU of vitamin D you will get a descent dosage but it will never too much.
But on the other hand I see people saying they take 5000IU a day.

Looking to maybe order a bunch of vitamin D or Multi and see if it benefits me.

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Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
Eye surgery got me on omega 3, and D. Became a bit of a habit.

threw some B12 in there too because why not.

I almost always remember to take them.

Acute memory is not among the benefits.


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
Go get a blood test if you are concerned, my boss' daughter is a herbalist and she believes that 5G will reduce the strength of our immune systems and ends up going to doctors to find out that she is deficient in XYZ.

A friend went to a hairy armpit healer and they told him that he was allergic to Milk, sugar and gluten and gave him some crazy dose vitamin supps and he felt better, he could have gone to a doctor to get proper results, but hey, he feels better so that's good.



Turbo Monkey
Go get a blood test if you are concerned, my boss' daughter is a herbalist and she believes that 5G will reduce the strength of our immune systems and ends up going to doctors to find out that she is deficient in XYZ.

A friend went to a hairy armpit healer and they told him that he was allergic to Milk, sugar and gluten and gave him some crazy dose vitamin supps and he felt better, he could have gone to a doctor to get proper results, but hey, he feels better so that's good.

Not that concerned but definitly open to new ways to live healthier and boost my imune system.
I had astma as a kid and was even diagnosed with copd at some point.
Changing my lifestyle got me off medication a long time ago and Im in pretty good shape overal.
But hearing these people talking about supplements got me wondering if I can do even better.


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
You only need vitamins if you have an actual vitamin deficiency. If you take vitamins you don't need, you're just making your kidneys work harder. You are, however, likely to have micronutrient deficiencies due to worn out soils used for modern farming.
Not that concerned but definitly open to new ways to live healthier and boost my imune system.
I had astma as a kid and was even diagnosed with copd at some point.
Changing my lifestyle got me off medication a long time ago and Im in pretty good shape overal.
But hearing these people talking about supplements got me wondering if I can do even better.
At the end of the day the supplements idiocy leads to people attempting to live entirely on artificial substances. Eat good food and be happy with it.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
I take low dose vitamin D in the winter.
Beyond that a good diet and ye olde immune system seem to be doing the job.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
I take a multivitamin because my diet makes it hard to get a full spectrum of vitamins.


Turbo Monkey
At the end of the day the supplements idiocy leads to people attempting to live entirely on artificial substances. Eat good food and be happy with it.
There will always be people who try to substitute healthy food with a pill, Im not one of them.
I dont think I know anyone who eats healthier than I do.
But as @eaterofdog mentioned, food has become a lot less nutrient that it has been in the past.

The other day I saw a video on frozen vegetables being more nutrient than fresh produce from your local super market.
Because of the road the produce travels, by the time these fresh veggies hit your plate they actually contain less vitamins than the same frozen vegetables from the same supermarket because they were frozen pretty much directly after harvesting them.

Theres a lot of experts and doctors everywhere that are advising supplements on top of a (supposedly) healthy diet because appearently that diet isnt isnt enough anymore and its hard to tell if youre getting enough of everything.

Now that vitamin defeciency has been specifically linked to severe Covid-19 cases (but not just because of that) I thought it would be interesting to look into it a bit further.
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Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Go get a blood test if you are concerned, my boss' daughter is a herbalist and she believes that 5G will reduce the strength of our immune systems and ends up going to doctors to find out that she is deficient in XYZ.

A friend went to a hairy armpit healer and they told him that he was allergic to Milk, sugar and gluten and gave him some crazy dose vitamin supps and he felt better, he could have gone to a doctor to get proper results, but hey, he feels better so that's good.

Lol at hairy armpit healer.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 27, 2010
Italy/south Tyrol
If you‘re lots of time indoors, chances are high that you are vitamin D deficient, and you won‘t get that through diet.
I did a test two years ago, because I was always tired, had no energy and felt dizzy on a daily basis. I had also lots of colds that year and dealt with low blood pressure after having influenca in the summer.

Turns out that my Vit D levels were very low.
So I started supplementing it on a daily basis and in a matter of a month I was feeling like a new person.
The thing is, if you are supplementing with vit D it makes sense also taking magnesium to process it.

Vitamin D and magnesium depletation are widespred in western civilization and the cause for different diseases. So I eat lots of vegetables, fruits, take mag and try to be in the sun regularly.
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