Perhaps. I got it from RedBox. Fun movie, especially if you were a fan of the first 2. Just be prepared to spend a lot of time face palming as people make every possible illogical and silly decision. What makes it worse is that all of the same plot points could have been achieved without making you feel like you were watching a band of idiots stumble around in space.
Finally watched Alien Covenant last night. It was amusing. Other than the fact that the entire plot seemed to revolve around everyone in the movie being profoundly stupid and shortsighted the only thing that bothered me was....
How the fuck is a solar sail supposed to generate energy. It's a propulsion system that uses radiation to push it like a sail uses wind. It doesn't generate energy WTF!!!
youngest is fighting a cold. he's been sleeping like shit for the past two nights. last night I went to lie next to him, but can't sleep there. Wound up arguing with my wife at 2 am who should go to him for the rest of the night. I hope to the FSM that he sleeps better tonight. I feel pretty wiped today.
To top it off, it snowed like 8" last night, so the roads were a disaster. and now it's raining. It will flash freeze again tomorrow. The commute home is going to suck. blah.
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