RE: Neko's MSA crash - That sounds familiar. Back when he was with Martin/TWR, yeah?If I recall correctly he basically went full on derp and slammed off the big hip jump under the lift.
You're friend, although a ban worthy offence might have the right idea. Avoid the interwebs all day and do something else, save the race for the replay. This way you avoid and bullshit delays or RedBull issues.
::edit:: my bad, reading comprehension is at an all time low here. Skipping the stream AND a ride? Yeah, that is ban worthy.
I'm losing my fucking mind about my friend, who seems to be either gaslighting me or suffering from a recent head injury. She lives across the country from me, but is in town all week and we work together. And she wants to go watch a bunch of people trying to best the best at exercising.
I has a sad.