
*** Wake up, slackers! ***


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Salutations fellow simians!

Coffee in hand, with a bird's eye view of the male turkey in the backyard strutting around with the ladies, full fan out. What a character.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Good morning, my fellow purveyors of bullshit. I ran seven easy miles this morning on a grumpy hamstring. I mean, I could rest it, but any self-respecting runner will run through an injury until he is physically incapable of running. :monkey:

Coffeeing now.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
I need to make a danger run to my office any day now to get something. Normally take 45-60 minutes, I'm guessing sub-30 minutes in traffic.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
sup peen wrinks.
made some challa french toast this morn. it was damn good.
this damn snow has put a amper on my shed hunting & fishing plans.
i have a telehealth apt today. damn, why the hell wasnt this a thing before the 'rona? I love it!


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
I need to make a danger run to my office any day now to get something. Normally take 45-60 minutes, I'm guessing sub-30 minutes in traffic.
oh prolly faster. you can drive as fast as you want now.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001

i have yet to upload a image onto the laptop from this thing but i do not think i will ever get rid of it....
it is perfect.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Here. Was ready to smother small child this morning as she woke up at 5:45am and wouldn't go back to bed, even when I dragged her into ours. I might have thrown a pillow at her after I kicked her off the bed and she kept crying.

Had a meeting with Morningstar this morning about portfolio management. Manager, colleague from last group, myself, and M* guy were having a different conversation than the other 10 people in our meeting. Kind of explains why he and I are top-10 in country, even through the apocalypse while they are definitely not.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Had a meeting with Morningstar this morning about portfolio management. Manager, colleague from last group, myself, and M* guy were having a different conversation than the other 10 people in our meeting. Kind of explains why he and I are top-10 in country, even through the apocalypse while they are definitely not.


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
At oral surgeon's office. Going under the knife in 30 minutes. Hopefully I wake up an hour later
Meh, a routine maintenance these days. I went through a dozen surgeries in the past decade (extraction, implant, post multiplied by a few teeth) but was never sent to full sleep, despite a case or two of a cracked & inflamed tooth.
Dr. Abela is kinda my buddy at this point.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
Meh, a routine maintenance these days. I went through a dozen surgeries in the past decade (extraction, implant, post multiplied by a few teeth) but was never sent to full sleep, despite a case or two of a cracked & inflamed tooth.
Dr. Abela is kinda my buddy at this point.
Damn. What kind of bike does he ride?

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Found out I have a next round (and final!) interview with the Director of User Experience and Design at the company I interviewed with last week. The recruiter sent me the test questions already, as well as the profile of the person I'll be interviewing with. Judging from her LinkedIn, she's a veritable badass at the UXing. She's held senior and lead positions at some companies known for investing in user experience, and she came on to this company in January. This tracks with what I was told in the initial interview that they're starting to "prioritize UX and design" company wide.

But you know, I'm not nervous really. No... really.
Interview today, I'll say 89% crushed it. Kinda choked when presenting work from my portfolio, which is a thing maybe only us creative-types have to do in interviews? Anycrap, learned a bunch of lessons about how I shoulda presented my work, and interestingly enough there was a point later in the interview that we discussed that very thing. So maybe more than 89% crushed it?

in my work-world gaiters are things you wear on your lower legs, over your boots, to prevent snake bites when working in fields.
Everytime I've seen @stoney type "gaiter" this is what I think as well. I'm like "WTFF is a gaiter doing on your face, dude?" but then I remember people do call them neck gaiters as well.

Also @stoney... isn't it not H's decision on what she wears outside the house?

went out for a small hike. nothing else to report.
How are you holding up, dude? You doing okay? How's your wife (assuming it was her mum)?