
Wanted- Modern day Selle Italia Flite Like Seat.


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
In the olden days as long as a seat wasn't a Fizik it was usually okay, I have taken a punt on three new seats and all three have been shit.
I have two Flites but as soon as they get damp the leather grabs my shorts which is pretty damned annoying.

So I want something the same shape as a Flite but with a man made covering, any suggestions?

I got a Selle Italia with a sack slot, it is painful, SDG Duster, it sucks and a Smanie nspire which says there is a cut out but there is a bulge that presses on ze taint.

It also needs to not be too low a profile between the rails and base as my weight and height of the bulge on the dropper makes an annoying tapping noise when they make contact.

Cheers lads.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Aren't these all man made? Or have animals now learned how to make seats?


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Have you tried an SDG Bel Air?

What about a Flite that isn't leather, surely there must be a cheap plastic covered one.


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
i like both the wtb silverado and the sdg bel air (which has a bit more cushion); didn't get on with my cromag trail master-maybe the lynx would be better?


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
Didn’t get along with the silverado, but the belair has been great. Have two of them, cutout and non cutout.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2001
The Selle Italia Flite has been my go-to saddle for about two decades, but has now been replaced by the Chromag Trailmaster LTD.

IME, this saddle is phenomenal, especially on a hardtail.


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
So like the original flite?
It's a fairly narrow and hard saddle by today's standards... quite a radius too as it's so narrow.
Maybe the Chromag trail master LTD?
Yeah the 1990.

I had the LTD, it was almost good but the middle bit was too wide, fine on short rides but it rubbed too much for long rides.

i like both the wtb silverado and the sdg bel air (which has a bit more cushion); didn't get on with my cromag trail master-maybe the lynx would be better?
I have had a Bel Air in the past, Do they do one with a one piece vinyl top? The last one wasn't waterproof, I think water got in the kevlar bits.......? Then it slowly squeezed out over the next couple of rides.

The second Smanie seat turned up last week, it is as uncomfortable as the first but in a different way, first was a taint puncher, this one is a sit bone torturer.

I did a test with a fabric scoop or swoop, I was too fat for that, shell flexed too much.

EDIT- I also really liked the stock Velo seats but they were so low a profile that the seat base would tap on the stupid hump that the electric Reverb has.
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used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
No saddle has ever given me t'aint pain quite like the Flite.
I should send you the Smanie n-spire, they supposedly studied the taints of a million people and then made one seat to fit everyone.
There is allegedly a 5mm relief for the taint but I think they got relief and protrusion mixed up. I thought it was an optical illusion on some of the pics because of the stupid pattern, but no, my seat has the same profile as the blue one here, it's like they highlited the spot that will hurt you.

God it is a shit seat!


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
this saddle has been sold under a lot of names. I had a lot of them labeled as Charge Spoon. I must have had 6 of them, but recently switched to WTB saddles, as I wanted to offload some pressure from the taint.
Madison Flux is another one.
I sold a lot of charge spoon's in my shop, the Gusset which I also sold is very definitely a different shape.

*edited for spellings*
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used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
I sold a lot of charge spoon's in my shop, the Gusset which I also sold is very definitely a different shape.

*edited for spellings*
Have you sold any DMR saddles at all? They are cheap and look to be a decent shape.

I do have a Flite of some description on the way, hopefully it's decent.


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
Seems the Flite was out of stock so I'll give a Prologo a whirl.
Got some Prologo grips on the way too, the shape looked good, the colors look hideous.