
Warning: Wheelworld

Jan 15, 2005
Ok, first off i would like to state that this is not a wheelworld bashing, but an alert to watch out for them, i ordered some brakes from them four months ago, and havent recieved them. So here is all the info i have ever recieved from them, and quoted them on, most was through Patrick, the owner of wheelworld, and 2 of his employees. I have had good buisness with wheelworld on 2 other occations, but this time they are screwing me over (sorry for language, but i have had it with their company) I thought i would be going brakeless for a max of 3 weeks for my brakes to come, i have 1 brake now, but it was'nt from them.

Dates are as follow:

First order of 4 hayes purple hydrolic disk brakes- Novemeber 13th/04
I waited 4 weeks for the brakes to arrive no show, looked on site, said being processed, phoned up, talked to patrick, he said there were only 2 left, yet they never contacted me, and when i ordered them, they had enough brakes in stock, they gave me a quote for shipping and everything

Second order: 2 hayes purples, and a set of hfx-9 hd's-December 9th/04, the brakes were charged to the visa DECEMBER 16TH/04
Again, waited 3 weeks, and phoned, they said one of the purples was missing a line, so i delt with it. I asked him if they had a manitou adapter in stock and asked if he could switch it from one of the standard adaptors, he said no problem, it will be out the next day... So again i waited 4 more weeks, phoned up a wheelworld employee, he said they had to order a manitou adaptor, and they shipped it out Febuary 8th/04, (this was a week before) so i waited another 2 weeks, shipping should of been here since he said it would be there within the week, or following.
I asked an employee when ryan mccurrie's brakes were shipped, he responded febuary 6th/04, i wondered thats strange i swear it was the 8th, but anyways i let it slide, lately i have been complaining whether or not they have ripped me off it had been 2 months since they charged it to the visa, so i got my dad involved since it was his visa,
He phoned up wheelworld talked to the guy, said they had shipped is Febuary 26th/04, well thats funny, I was told it was shipped Febuary 6th/04, so they lied to me. Now i know i have been ripped off, seeing as how they have been charged to the visa, over 2 months ago, and i havent recieved nothing, they have also lied to me countless times, and have kept me brakeless for 4 months, missing out on quite a few events and races because of no brakes. I am hoping Visa will follow up on fraud, and i will get my money back.
To me as a 16year old that does'nt have a slew of money, and feel that the bigger companies would'nt screw me over. It seems like they have, i have put off arguing to owners because it does'nt feel right to me, i have thought of many things to say to them, regarding my order, but being just another customer thats young, you give up and just go with it and accept it, like i have many times with their excusses, but when my dad phones them up, and they say whatever, and lie, their asking for it, their obviously an immature company, that does'nt have any customer service, This is a warning for anyone dealing with wheelworld, they will scam you, and lie to you to get your money. I am hoping to get my money back through visa's fraud policy.
Thanks for your time

Sadly, wheelworld has scammed me, i told my dad i wanted to cancel the order, but he said he'd give them another week, i was pissed, and my dad said he would get my money back, so i head out for a week, and i was on the phone with my dad, he said he talked with patrick (owner) and he said the package was shipped March 10th, this is Bull S*** he lied straight to my dad, and said he was sorry, my dad said he would give him a week, patrick was all sorry, and all, and said the delay is because of me changing my order, wait just a sec! the adapter for my bro's brake never came with his, so i got him to add the adapter he owned me in my box, that had been paid for a month ago, and was sitting there, supposivly i got him just in time, and it was out the next day, (january by the way) this was a manitou adaptor, they said they had it in stock, and there was no problem, pat told my dad that they had to order the adaptor in, since it was rare, and that took 5 weeks, even if it did, it has been 4 months since it was charged, and they have lied to me for a third time now, common, they expect me to believe the 3 different shipping dates, not including all the times they said it would be out the next day, or in a few days, 3 times where they said straight up, that it was shipped this day, and on it's way. I have talked to another employee twice at wheelworld, asking where my package is, he said he would phone the post office etc, to track it down, after the first time, he gave me an order number.... this obviously was fake, because it was'nt shipped febuary 26th, United states postal services said that they cant track it, because it does'nt have insurance... $30us shipping for a small package with no insurance? common, I phoned him a couple weeks later, ready to demand my money back, he used the whole he will phone them tomorrow, and get back to me the next day excuse again, i have never recieved a call back from this guy.

So i told my dad i wanted to cancel the order, and he told pat he would wait another week, since he took pats side at the time, because i changed the order, i told him that part of the story, and it's on now, Patrick the owner of wheelworld has lied numorus times, and were not taking this bull sh*t anymore from him, we are requesting our money be refunded on monday, if not were taking the next step up.
I wish i lived in california, so i could go nock on his shop, let alone live in the US, so i could have a fighting chance at bringing him to small claims court, but i live in another country, would be hard to do, plus im just another chum across the border, that patrick will try and scam, and take advantage of.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2004
out yonder, round bout a hootinany
Wait, so they never shipped out your first order and you decided to order from them again? Good move :rolleyes:

It sucks hearing stories like this, and it seems to be a fairly common occurance with Wheelworld. Don't give up and let those bastards take your money.
Jan 15, 2005
i cancelled my first order, because i ordered 4 hayes purples, then when i asked where they were a month later, they said they only had 2 left, funny that they have been putting me off from the start, i placed my very first order in november sometime, or end of october. phoning tomorrow, because i thought today might have been a holiday in the states also. and i was busy.


You can't complain about them slacking, if you do the same thing.
Jan 15, 2005
And how am i slacking? putting off demanding my money back another day, it's not like im giving 5 months, 4 months since i was charged


crazy_mtb_2002 said:
And how am i slacking? putting off demanding my money back another day
Yes - now call tomorrow and let us know how it went. Sorry they screwed you. I called them once and the guy on the phone sounded like a loser, so I passed. I have had good luck with Universal Cycles.
Dude, WTF? Quit dicking around with this situation. If it's really your Dad's Visa, he should be calling the issuing creditor to dispute the charges and you should move on and find another source to purchase your brakes from. Do you want to ride or what?

Another thing is didn't you ask for shipping/tracking numbers? If they give you a number that doesn't show up in the freight forwarding companies database within 24-48 hours, they're feeding you a lie. Again, time to call and cancel the order while letting them know you're calling the Visa issuing bank as well to dispute any charges.

We, as consumers, cannot continue to let companies get away with this type of crap regardless of what you're buying, or who you're buying it from.

-end of sermon, now move along
Jan 15, 2005
alright thanks, my dad is more listening to visas policy, and deal with the company, wheelworld has bull****ed me so many times, yet i would just go straight to visa, i'll be on the phone with Patrick tomorrow if not i'll go to visa if he refuses to refund me, but i'll probually get he has a death in the family, or not here like always.....
Mar 10, 2005
Santa Cruz/Sacramento, Ca
I know this is a dead thread, but I'm bringing it up again.

I honestly wish I had seen this before I ordered from them last week.

So I went to their site and ordered a wheelset from them. They call up a few days later and tell me that they accidently sold two more sets than they actually had. "Okay" I said, "Can you hook me up with these rims and this cassette then? Yeah? Ok. Thanks"

So it's been a couple days now, and I have yet to receive word from them. Their website still says that the first order went through fine and they still have that same wheelset up for sale (Alas, the guy on the phone said they were out of stock).

Totally not cool.


Turbo Monkey
May 25, 2005
Sounds right; Wheel World is a joke! To be honest, I live pretty close to both of their shops, and always leave shaking my head. It's hard to deal with people who have no idea what they're talking about...

If you talk to the owner of Wheel World, ask him why he won't carry Decline magazine...he feels the magazine has too many nudity women...