
Warranty Wait


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
What's a reasonable amount of time to expect to wait on confirmation of a warranty frame replacement?

I bought a frame in October. Due to a deal made with the wife I didn't collect the final pieces to build it up until early-April. At that time, my LBS discovered the headtube was ovalized. This frame has never been ridden. The defect was discovered while facing the headtube. I contacted the company and they gave me an RA# to return it. I packed it up and shipped it and when I saw that it had been delivered I emailed the company (on a Wednesday) to confirm that everything had arrived in one piece. They replied that it had and I should "give [them] until Friday" to look at it. They said the frame size was out of stock and that more would be in mid-May. No problem. That Friday being Good Friday, I let it slide and emailed again the following Wednesday. No reply. Things at work got ****ty, I was quitting a trying to finish a bunch of stuff before leaving. Another week goes by with no word, so I call and leave a message. They return my call and leave a message that my frame was in the "warranty process" and that they'll let me know what they plan to do as soon as the can.

How long does it take to look at a frame, see that it's never been ridden, confirm that the headtube is ****ed, and call me saying the frame will ship in May? Is this just poor service or does the "process" really take this long?



Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
I smell Ellsworth. The company is relevant so we know who to avoid. I waited 5 month for a warranty from Intense. Good luck man.


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
jimmydean said:
A month tops...
This is the type of info I was looking for. I was ready to go ape**** after 2 weeks, but having never gone through a warranty return before, I thought it best to get more info.

For the others, it's not so much the company as it is the US distributor with whom I'm dealing, at the company's request. If things go bad, you can be sure the names will be all over the place for you to avoid.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I think it's a load of crap that it's taken them a month to simply look at your frame and tell you they'll warranty it.

I can understand a small-ish frame manufacturer not having appropriate replacement frames in stock and requiring some time to ship you a new one, but IMO, they should have already told you that they will warranty it, and when they'll expect to be able to give you the new frame.


Apr 27, 2006
Seems like pretty terrible service to me... I've only had to get one frame fixed (not replaced) under warranty.
I think it took about 3-4 weeks for Trek to determine that it was covered and replace the BB/lugs on my old 8700 frame. Didn't seem unreasonable at the time. I'm sure that they have several people available to help with warranty issues, but then again you'd guess a smaller shop would be more willing to resolve any issues quickly.

I'd call every day until this is resolved.


i said change it damn it....Janet...Slut!!
Aug 3, 2003
With all these negative warranty stories floating around, i wanted to share my positive experience, albeit a different industry...

So one night i was hosting this party and somebody brought along an 18 pack of Labatt Blue. that made me happy...we put it outside to stay cold till we finished the existing beers.
So the nights goes along, and when i finally get to that 18 pack, i find that i've pulled out a beer thats only 1/4 full!
i'm like, great, its kind of a mangled can, i guess it got busted in shipping
so i flip it over a couple times, and cant find a source of a leak, but theres still beer in there!
so being in my drunken state, i overreact and start yelling at Labatt for giving me the shaft on that beer.

Next day, i call them to voice my concern about the QC. She asks me kindly for hte number on the can. Then asks me for my number. And im like, hey, i like where this is going...
But then she follows that up by asking for my address, so that she can send me a check for a 6-pack of Blue!
Man, i was damn happy with their CS. The check showed up a little less than a week later, for $5 and change.
Stil got that busted can too....man, that was a great day...


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Sounds like crap to me. A company that takes that long to just look at a warranty claim either isn't set up to handle warranty claims or is overwhelmed by them. I could see them taking a bit to get a new frame to you if one was not in stock but just to look at it, that is bad.


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
It turns out they did call me at my work number. I just called a buddy at the office to check my messages. My last day at that job was the 21st, so I never got the message. :clue:

The bad news is that they say there is nothing wrong with the frame and they can either send it back or give me a refund. I asked them to take another look, because I personally saw how much wiggle there was when the LBS inserted the facing tool pilot.


Git yer dumb questions here
Feb 19, 2003
BikeGeek said:
The bad news is that they say there is nothing wrong with the frame and they can either send it back or give me a refund. I asked them to take another look, because I personally saw how much wiggle there was when the LBS inserted the facing tool pilot.
Well if they build them and can't see that there is a problem, do you really trust the rest of the bike? If the tolerances are off that much it'd make me question the BB area as well as the entire frame.

I'd ask them to look at it again, if they look at it and say nothings wrong, ask them to face it for you. If it comes back and it's still not right I'd get a refund and go to another company.

At this point atleast it's back in your court on what to do. If a company gave me a excuse like that on a frame out of all things I think me, personally, I'd take a refund and pick a better brand. But it's your call.

I could never imagine waiting for a new frame, find out the headtube is whack, and then wait for warranty on something that is brand new. It'd drive me nuts!:hot: