Hey, you're starting to catch on!Of course, his religious views have nothing to do with it, right?
And if America is a majority Christian country, with a commensurate reflection in its armed forces, he still could have been an atheist like me or many I knew in the military, or a Jew, or a Hindu, or a Muslim. And his orders weren't from a fatwah, they were from a military chain of command.
I'm not justifying a mistake or collateral damage, although it's certainly comprehensible. I'm just pointing out the blindingly obvious fact that the US military is not a religious structure, nor is it a collection of religiously-inspired cells dedicated to bringing down other governments and societies from within and without.
You're just not making any valid comparison at all. This blind application of some sort of equivalence is just not accurate.
I'm not a big fan of religion myself, but I won't let that cloud the astonishingly obvious fact that, worldwide, Muslim extremists are far more directly threatening to life and limb than any other religious group on the face of the Earth.
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