I got this message responding to an ad I placed.
>From: Kresta Laurel
>To: yetirdr@hotmail.com
>Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2004 00:20:23 -0700 (PDT)
>My name is Kresta Laurel. A reliable and responsible business man in
>London,It's been nice know this web-site and truly found what exactly thing
>that have been looking for.I got the placement of the advert of your 1999
>Schwinn Peloton, from a decent site and decided to make a contact with you
>and really found out about what your last offer is, also i will like to
>know the exact condition of it,i reside in London and specialized in buying
>of used items resale them to any of my client that wants to purchase it
>from me and now i have some people expecting your reply, also i will
>appreciate if i can see the pics of it, and if you've not shipped abroad
>before if you don't mind i have a shipping company that take care of my
>shipping to where i'm located. get back to me if it's still available so
>that we can transact better.
I wrote:
This is a scam! F@ck off
Here is the response.
I can't blame you ben, sorry i'm not the kind of type you think i am. bot to me, this is a very big insult to my personalty.
>From: Kresta Laurel
>To: yetirdr@hotmail.com
>Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2004 00:20:23 -0700 (PDT)
>My name is Kresta Laurel. A reliable and responsible business man in
>London,It's been nice know this web-site and truly found what exactly thing
>that have been looking for.I got the placement of the advert of your 1999
>Schwinn Peloton, from a decent site and decided to make a contact with you
>and really found out about what your last offer is, also i will like to
>know the exact condition of it,i reside in London and specialized in buying
>of used items resale them to any of my client that wants to purchase it
>from me and now i have some people expecting your reply, also i will
>appreciate if i can see the pics of it, and if you've not shipped abroad
>before if you don't mind i have a shipping company that take care of my
>shipping to where i'm located. get back to me if it's still available so
>that we can transact better.
I wrote:
This is a scam! F@ck off
Here is the response.
I can't blame you ben, sorry i'm not the kind of type you think i am. bot to me, this is a very big insult to my personalty.