
Washed Up Metal Bands


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
Acadian said:
okay I got to say it...you win the prize for the most annoying avatar.
Which one?

As for washed up metal bands Metallica tops the list

But Dio has to pass the torch :p

Hello Kitty

Nov 25, 2004
I Are Baboon said:
I'm going to take all 413 metal threads from the last three days and merge them into one thread.
maybe we could have the sucky Emo ban thread...Ohhh 311, and Blink 182 are Sooooooooooooo kewl..


Mar 17, 2002
Zark said:
Which one?

As for washed up metal bands Metallica tops the list

But Dio has to pass the torch :p
Oh man...I saw Dio's latest video...wow. It was so bad...


Acadian said:
okay I got to say it...you win the prize for the most annoying avatar.
He actually could win most annoying everything and anything.

Hello Kitty

Nov 25, 2004
nuff said...end of thread

the sad thing is i actually had two of their albums in the 80's along with kingdom come, fastway, whitesnake and ratt the gal i was dating at the time was in to the the hairmetal bands and these were the only few i could stomach.

Curb Hucker

I am an idiot
Feb 4, 2004
Sleeping in my Kenworth
Acadian said:
haha..it's the time of year to give...

guess someone gave a good push on that "reset" button :p
someone should reset Brian, I think he'd sink in to a deep depression :oink: :p

and your avitar keeps on making me laugh, its something about the expression on your face and your hardcore gang symbols


Born Again Newbie
Sep 5, 2001
Blah Blah and Blah
Curb Hucker said:
someone should reset Brian, I think he'd sink in to a deep depression :oink: :p

and your avitar keeps on making me laugh, its something about the expression on your face and your hardcore gang symbols
That image is a still from some video footage a bro took during a party...eveyone was asking me what E13 (on my cap) meant...then I busted out the e13 gang sign - as the night progressed and as we got drunker...made for some funny footage! :p Everyone was screaming E13 just so I could bust the sign. haaha

Curb Hucker

I am an idiot
Feb 4, 2004
Sleeping in my Kenworth
Acadian said:
That image is a still from some video footage a bro took during a party...eveyone was asking me what E13 (on my cap) meant...then I busted out the e13 gang sign - as the night progressed and as we got drunker...made for some funny footage! :p Everyone was screaming E13 just so I could bust the sign. haaha

thats funny; but it pisses me off, everyone asks what E13 is. Dont ever buy the shirt that says "e.th1rt3en" on it everyone thats seen me with it on asks me "whats eth one reet 3 en mean" its e13 god dammit :mumble:

Hello Kitty

Nov 25, 2004
narlus said:
most washed up metal band...

isn't it obvious?
aw come on... i remember seeing Motley Crue on their "shout at the devil tour" they weren't all hair metaled out so much yet...well...i didn't think so...at the time...maybe



skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
Metallica. The hair had their soul.....

I had high hopes for the new record....... just like when the black alblum came out. from then to now its all been a disapointment.


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
oly said:
Metallica. The hair had their soul.....

I had high hopes for the new record....... just like when the black alblum came out. from then to now its all been a disapointment.

My friend bought me the Load CD for Christmas when it came out. The first words out of his mouth when he saw my reaction were "It's not that bad!"
:p It was that bad :eviltongu :D

Hello Kitty

Nov 25, 2004
metallica at one time was my METAL band the "black" album was the last metallica album i've ever bought i've given the others a listen but it's just not the same as the pre-black albums. i just thank God that i was able to see them twice with Cliff Burton just like i was able to see Ozzy with Randy Rhoads and Stevie Ray Vaughan before they died along with Dimebag Darrel and Pantera


I thought this was about those medical bracelets. ID bands or whatever they are. I couldn't believe there was another heavy metal thread.


Jul 3, 2004
The armpit of San Diego
dh girlie said:
OHHHH...OUCH! hahahaa!

Lots of guys did say that when they came out though...
hahah, my brother had one of their tapes. When I looked at it, I said "they are a girl band?" and my bro was like "uuh, those are guys..."
Just means he bought it because he thought they were chicks... :heart:


Jul 3, 2004
The armpit of San Diego
dh girlie said:
that, or he has horrific taste in music...

I used to love them...I just saw them about two years ago...it was hystercial.
hahah, I remember that concert. I told my gov teacher that it would be funny to go to. He looks at me and told me "manzi, shut the hell up." how was that concert btw?

dh girlie

manziman said:
hahah, I remember that concert. I told my gov teacher that it would be funny to go to. He looks at me and told me "manzi, shut the hell up." how was that concert btw?
It was hysterical...I used to like that kinda music and it's fun to go to the shows and see the bands...but what is funnier...is the people not there for nostalgia reasons...they are the dudes that still have hair to their ass (not in a hippy kinda way) and wear tight leather pants. There was one guy at the will call booth and he walks up to the window and he's wearing skin tight leather pants :drool: that laced down the sides and that was about it...no shirt...and he had hair to his waist at least. He comes strutting up to the window and puts his hands on the counter and backs up a bit cuz he was tall...and he flips his luxurious golden rats nest..errr...mane and asks the person working there..."whadya got in the first ten rows" I friggin lost it.

Then there was this fat chick...she had to weigh around 250+. She had this hot pink spandex mini dress with peekaboo holes down the side, and no evidence of underwear. She had spike heels on (which I'm surprised didn't break under her) and this bleached blond hair that literally looked like a nest...gobs of make up...I have to stop...I'm gagging...