I understand you, I just don't agree. We have hunting rifles, they have machine guns, etc. But, I believe we were talking about handguns mostly. Isn't that what is generally what we talk about banning, besides assault rifles?Ok, for the record here, Im not saying that handguns would be particularly effective in battle as compared to rifles. I think you're confusing 30.06 which is a hunting rifle (mine is not semi auto) with a handgun. I should have maybe been more clear with that.
Im saying that handguns and rifles, which is in reply to your post about "what's billy bob gunna do" or whatever, would be necessary in putting up a resistance to the govt. much like the Iraqis have done. That's all. Im not debating the merits of one vs. another. Im just saying that what Americans have vs. what iraqis have is also not that dissimilar.
Also, I wouldnt agree that their populace is necessarily better with weaponry in general. At least where i live, most people know how to shoot.......and then there's the urban poor and all their guns as well.
As for landscape....meh, we have cities, mountains, etc, etc too..much more land as well. However, you are right about the language, culture and all that...
Do you understand what Im saying?
The argument is that we need our handguns to overthrow the govt if it steps out of line. I think it's a weak argument because the govt has already stepped over the line and no one is using their guns to do anything about it and that handguns won't be effective for that usage anyway.
Oh, and BTW, the landscape thing was more about how it's their home turf while we are just visiting (or not really since we'll be there for a long time).