
Washington DNR advice

Jul 19, 2002
Vancouver Washington
I just found out that the DNR has founded our trail and has destroy all the jumps and drops that we had :mumble: bastards.

So could someone give me some advice on how to work with the DNR to let us build legal trails. I am told this is a lost cause. I don't feel bad for building ilegal trails because all they do is cut acres of trees eveywhere then feed us a bunch of bull crap on there web site on how they protect the enviroment yeh right. The only thing I would like would be a section that is not going to get torn down that we can build on, the last place we had was an old abandon road who would of ever thought that they would care about this.
Should I just keep building ilegal trails or try to work with the DNR?
So give me you thoughts.


Jun 26, 2004
PNW woods
Are you talking washington state? Don't know if you'd really get anywhere with DNR, so my advice is "keep building" only try to hide it.