Looks like Shrub might want to nip climate change in the butt. And from the sound of it, he could get his cake and eat it too. Not only would less brown people would blow themselves up, but the ones who don't wouldn't try to immigrate to the US.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Global warming could destabilize "struggling and poor" countries around the world, prompting mass migrations and creating breeding grounds for terrorists, the chairman of the National Intelligence Council told Congress on Wednesday.
Climate change "will aggravate existing problems such as poverty, social tensions, environmental degradation, ineffectual leadership and weak political institutions," Thomas Fingar said. "All of this threatens the domestic stability of a number of African, Asian, Central American and Central Asian countries."
People are likely to flee destabilized countries, and some may turn to terrorism, he said.
"The conditions exacerbated by the effects of climate change could increase the pool of potential recruits into terrorist activity," he said......