
Watch out! New Variant of Santy Worm Spreads

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Awww sh!t... not again.... :(

New Variant of Santy Worm Spreads
PC World | Dec 27 | Peter Sayer

The latest version of the Santy worm poses an elevated risk to many Web sites built using the PHP scripting language, security experts warn. Protecting those sites may involve individually recoding them, those security experts say.

Early versions of the Santy worm exploited a specific bug in a bulletin-board software package called phpBB, and their attacks could be prevented by applying a patch to the software. However, the security flaw exploited by newer versions of the worm such as Santy.C or Santy.E is more general, and can occur anywhere a site designer has left the door open for the inclusion of arbitrary files into PHP scripts, experts at K-OTik Security in Montpellier, France, warn.

Link: http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=1093&e=3&u=/pcworld/119051