
Waze vs Google Maps


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
What do you use?

I've been using Waze for the last year or so, mostly for the heads up on the cops and whatnot.

BUT, the interface, in my opinion, looks shitty and is shitty to use.

Searching in Waze brings up random crap. Like if I search Costco (or anything), it doesn't list things by nearest distance. It'll be random or stuff from the US.

While driving Waze also doesn't seem to always update or suggest a new faster route. If i hit the route option thing mid drive, it'll often suggest a better route

What's up with that stuff?

Google Maps searches and provides route updates much better on my phone. It also looks nicer.

But the alerts in Google are pretty much non existent. Can also not submit an alert while using Android Auto.

Considering Google owns Waze, I wonder why they don't just move everything to Google Maps? Google Maps would be perfect with the Waze features.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
google....forever and ever...

anytime I am on the hwy I just set the cc to around 68 mph and relax.

it gives me warnings about every little thing and faster route options...


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout

Phone must be on the fritz and double posted a while apart somehow



Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
I can’t take the UX of Waze. I mainly use Apple Maps while driving for the integration with CarPlay and my address book. I do use Google for reference when I’m not driving.

My car has Google navigation built in so I will occasionally try it, but it consistently crashes the Google designed infotainment OS, so it generally gets ignored.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Rarely use a map as I like to know where I’m going before I leave. Study my route and the alternatives incase of emergency. If I do use one it’s Google.
Yeah pre-planning is key. I do that as well, so I at least know where I'm going and the general idea of how to get there.

You'd think professional truck drivers would do this more, but the way I see them suddenly need to get over two lanes and exit, or take the dumbest narrow lane roads, they obviously do not. :rofl:


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Rarely use a map as I like to know where I’m going before I leave. Study my route and the alternatives incase of emergency. If I do use one it’s Google.

I also do Google satellite view of the parking situation. But that's more to satisfy my anxiety than anything else.
I like Google to avoid the inevitable goat-fuck caused by morans.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
I’m a real-ass commuter going from the burbs to a relatively major city almost every morning. Waze has superior traffic and routing, but will have you taking 8 left turns if it thinks you can save 30 seconds of time. Google is a little more straightforward at the risk of not being fastest. Google doesn’t have the same level of notifications that Waze does, so you’re at risk of running afoul of john law if you like speeding. I’ve had a similar experience of Waze having no idea where the nearest gas station or McDonald’s is, but suggesting a few 250 miles away, but I’ve also been routed to the old location of a business that has since moved courtesy of Apple Maps. Waze does suck the juice, and will drain my sad little phone even when plugged in. I used to love the live updates of friends- when my wife and I were commuting, it was great to see how close to home she was. Then they changed it and took that feature away because google.

Anyways, I’m still on Waze and probably will be until google enshittifies it like inbox or fitbit or anything else they’ve bought. I don’t hate google maps but it’s boring AF and Waze can inject a little bit of joy into my commute with funny voices or whatever, and the time tracking is the best in the business. So I guess Waze for me.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Google maps and a Valentine radar detector.

Sometimes we'll use Waze to check/confirm what Maps is telling us, especially if we're being routed around traffic. But I kinda hate all the pop-ups and requests for input on Waze, too distracting.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
On long road trips, I like Waze for its speed trap identification. I don't really speed much anymore, but it's nice insurance to have. I also like that it will notify you and reroute around traffic jams.

Around town I'll try and use apple maps or google just for the search history or lack of battery drain but find myself going back to wazer because I know it's the fastest route possible
On long road trips, I like Waze for its speed trap identification. I don't really speed much anymore, but it's nice insurance to have. I also like that it will notify you and reroute around traffic jams.

Around town I'll try and use apple maps or google just for the search history or lack of battery drain but find myself going back to wazer because I know it's the fastest route possible
Google Maps will also also reroute around traffic jams...


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
…And each will try to convince you to make unprotected left turns across three lanes of traffic in rush hour on a major street with no suicide lane.
IME, it's gotten a lot better AND it really just reveals how bad the street design/planning is. Don't fucking tell me what lane I need to be when I'm 200' from the split, post that shit above the road with arrows that ACTUALLY LINE UP and on the surface of the road, several times...far enough back that we can plan for it.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
IME, it's gotten a lot better AND it really just reveals how bad the street design/planning is. Don't fucking tell me what lane I need to be when I'm 200' from the split, post that shit above the road with arrows that ACTUALLY LINE UP and on the surface of the road, several times...far enough back that we can plan for it.
Even though its not a great starting point, I find the US has a lot better road signs and whatnot than up here.

Especially street lights. Your lights are easy to interpret and from I see, most places have have a light for each lane. Up here each direction usually only has two lights.

So we end up with one direction that has multiple lanes, including turn lanes, but only two small lights dictating what they do. And sometimes they just randomly flash.

Like this one nearby -

Also here is what we call a good heads up on the exit for a freeway. The sign is small and beyond where the exit has already started.... :rofl:



site moron
Jul 5, 2006
Vernon, NJ
google maps refreshes faster than apple maps. I hate apple maps. Waze is mega annoying to use, google can be also. Reroutes to save a buck but cost a fortune in time. The cops thing in waze is neat but I need to focus on the road, I can't be updating that shit playing essentially a game while driving. I like Trucker Path if wondering about commercial truck routes.

waze = a video game . f those features.

I wish google maps could be told a specific route to follow without updates/ be locked into one route.