
" we all are living in America"


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Megan calls me a babe.
I dunno if anyone has heard this new Rammstein song, but I'll post the lyrics, and the translation of it. I really like "freedom plays on all violins/ music comes out of the whitehouse"

Just kinds of ring true to me right now. Anyway, the lyrics!

We're all living in Amerika
Amerika ist wunderbar
We're all living in Amerika
Amerika, Amerika

Wenn getanzt wird will ich führen
auch wenn ihr euch alleine dreht
Lasst euch ein wenig kontrollieren
Ich zeige euch wie es richtig geht
Wir bilden einen lieben Reigen
Die Freiheit spielt auf allen Geigen
Musik kommt aus dem Weißen Haus
und vor Paris steht Micky Maus

We're all living in Amerika
Amerika ist wunderbar
We're all living in Amerika
Amerika, Amerika

Ich kenne Schritte die sehr nützen
und werde euch vor Fehltritt schützen
Und wer nicht tanzen will am Schluss
weiß noch nicht dass er tanzen muss
Wir bilden einen lieben Reigen
Ich werde euch die Richtung zeigen
Nach Afrika kommt Santa Claus
und vor Paris steht Micky Maus

We're all living in America
America is wonderful
we're all living in America

We're all living in America
America is wonderful
we're all living in America

When we dance I want to lead
when you turn yourself around alone
let us control you a bit
I'll show you how to walk right

We create a lovely round dance
the freedom plays from all violins
music comes from the White House
and in front of Paris stands Mickey Mouse

We're all living in America
America is wonderful
we're all living in America

I know the very useful steps
and I will protect you from missteps
and who does not want to dance at the end
does not know that he must dance

We create a lovely round dance
I will show you the direction
to Africa comes Santa Claus
and in front of Paris stands Mickey Mouse

We're all living in America
America is wonderful
we're all living in America

We're all living in America
Coca Cola, Wonderbra
we're all living in America

This is not a love song
this is not a love song
I don't sing my mother tongue
no, this is not a love song

We're all living in America
America is wonderful
we're all living in America

We're all living in America
Coca Cola, sometimes war
we're all living in America

If you find some er

Translation ©2004 Jeremy Williams


Dec 6, 2004
OMG... It is about time someone said something about Rammstein on here. There CD is awesome. There are better songs then the Amerika song. There is one that is a combo of Russian and German. Its called Moskau and they talk about how beautiful the city of Moskau really is. Check out the CD sometime. I love it, you might not be able to understand all of it, but the beats are really good. Give it a try.... :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
The singer looks like Gary Oldman.

Other than that ehhh.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Megan calls me a babe.
rpk1988 said:
OMG... It is about time someone said something about Rammstein on here. There CD is awesome. There are better songs then the Amerika song. There is one that is a combo of Russian and German. Its called Moskau and they talk about how beautiful the city of Moskau really is. Check out the CD sometime. I love it, you might not be able to understand all of it, but the beats are really good. Give it a try.... :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
Yeah i heared the Moskau song.. it was pretty good. :)

It was indeed time, someone said something about Rammstein here.. that's why i posted it. :D


Nov 11, 2001
Seattle, WA
I got Reise, Reise for x-mas. I've been listening to it and love it. My favorite tracks from are Mein Teil, Keine Lust, and Moskau so far. I have all the other Rammstein releases, except for the live one. I love their music!

I'm also thinking about getting the newest from Megaherz, another German band that sounds an awful lot like Rammstein. Anybody else heard of Megaherz?


Dec 6, 2004
I have their Mutter Ablum and Reise Reise. I like Reise Reise better. My favorite songs are Mein Teil, Keine Lust, Los, Moskau, Stein um Stein, Morgenstern, Ohne Dich, Armour, s**t there whole Cd is good. The CD is good visual music before going MTB. haha. I like how they mix up there songs so its not only German, there is English in there, Russian, and French. I am in German 3 at my high school, thats why I am so interested in them.

Ive heard of Megaherz but i think Rammstein is way cooler. :p :p :p


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Megan calls me a babe.
I always get so pumped up and full of energy, when i listen to there music. It makes me wanna ride. I've seen a intervieuw on tv with them for a music channel somewhere in the Vegas desert, :think: and they where having a bbQ. And the journalist asked why they are so popular outside there country and in the usa. They said " actuall we don;t know, they can't understand us. But i most be lyrics and way we bring it. "

My brother went to a concert, and it totally rocked. They make such a huge shows of it. unbelievable.


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
Rammstein is popular everywhere BUT Germany.

And no, the US anthem would likely be the same.

A) Germany had almost no chance of winning the war with the entrance of the USSR and USA as Allies


B) Even if Hitler had succeeded to bring the US to it's knees, he did not want to conquer the US, just make them sue for peace. He was far more concerned with expansion Eastward, into Russia and such. If we were, by some bizarre chance, speaking a different language as a result of WW2, it would most likely be Japanese.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 2, 2003
Berlin, Germany
xbluethunderx said:
Rammstein is popular everywhere BUT Germany.
not true they are quite sucessful here
still they are critisized for their liberal use of "naziesque" pictures and style.

imho they are just a band having fun and no Nazis
still their musik is boring


Swift, Silent, Deadly!
Aug 16, 2001
Y'all can't see me...
xbluethunderx said:
Rammstein is popular everywhere BUT Germany.
"Ohne Dich" is currently # 11 on the German Rock charts and #4 on the Alternative charts.The video is in regular rotationion on all the German music channels (VIVA, MTV Germany, etc).

You are talking about the Germany in Europe, right?


Jul 5, 2004
Las Vegas, NV
Rammstein is the ****. That's all there is to it.

I have every single one of their albums, and love them all.

Over in Germany they're not quite as liked as they are here. A lot of people view them as disgusting, and nasty. Some of their songs are really enlightening and "happy" while others border Marilyn Manson. Several of my German friends that live in Deutschland all say they're the equivelant of Marilyn Manson.

Personally, I've liked them since back before "Du Hast" even came out. Their beats are farily simple, but the industrial / metal / grunge that they pull off really gets me in the riding mood.

Their latest Album "Reise Reise" has absolutely awesome songs. Even though I can only decypher about 60% of the lyrics, the messages I get from them are awesome.

Long live Rammstein!

Rammstein ist der Meistershaft auf Deutschland!



Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Megan calls me a babe.
Ranger said:

"Ohne Dich" is currently # 11 on the German Rock charts and #4 on the Alternative charts.The video is in regular rotationion on all the German music channels (VIVA, MTV Germany, etc).

You are talking about the Germany in Europe, right?
Whatelse.. i did not knew there are 2 Germany's


Dec 6, 2004
People that Rammstein concerts are the s***. They say they use all kinds of fire and random stuff. There just out to have a good time. I believe Reise Reise is their best album yet. All the songs have good beats and good solos. There awesome. I like how they mix it up with different languages. This music is for everyone. You don't have to understand it to like it.

As I like to say in German... Rammstein ist die SCHEISSE!!!!(sp?)


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
Maybe id like them a little more if they spoke english and learned that power cords arent everything that a guitar can do..

I do have 'mutter' and it is a pretty good album i must say.

EDIT: wait, are they making fun of america? Whores, im not buying any more of their music, fasict anti semites. :stosh:


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
rpk1988 said:
People that Rammstein concerts are the s***. They say they use all kinds of fire and random stuff.

As I like to say in German... Rammstein ist die SCHEISSE!!!!(sp?)
You wanna see fire, find some info on Neubauten. They invented kraut-rock art-faggy firestorms on stage...played jackhammers and broken glass as instruments, etc. etc.

And "die Scheisse" doesn't really connote in German what it does in US slang...reminds me of the time in Austria when this hot chick did a stupid magic trick, pulled a quarter out of my ear or something (we'd had a few beers...) and, by way of trying to say, "you can do magic!", I called her a "hexe" (witch), which didn't go over quite so well...


The Kadvang

I rule
Apr 13, 2004
six five oh
mack said:
Maybe id like them a little more if they spoke english and learned that power cords arent everything that a guitar can do..

I do have 'mutter' and it is a pretty good album i must say.

EDIT: wait, are they making fun of america? Whores, im not buying any more of their music, fasict anti semites. :stosh:
Is this one of your more stupid posts?


Dec 6, 2004
Maybe id like them a little more if they spoke english and learned that power cords arent everything that a guitar can do..

I do have 'mutter' and it is a pretty good album i must say.

EDIT: wait, are they making fun of america? Whores, im not buying any more of their music, fasict anti semites.
Ok so obv. he has never listened to there music. Then can do more with guitars. If you ever listened to the song "los" That is all acoustic and I must say it sounds awesome. And in a way they are making fun of America, but in a way there not and they are congradulating us. Anyways were AMERICA what do you expect......


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
sry to burst ur bubble but i do own 'mutter' :rolleyes: and most of that album is power cords except for "nebel" but i have never heard any of their other music.

escuse me for not getting the meaning of that america song, i am ever so sorry, next time ill sit in ignorance and coform. And i would probably expect them to kiss our feet for being american. I dont know why were so bad.


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
Ranger said:

"Ohne Dich" is currently # 11 on the German Rock charts and #4 on the Alternative charts.The video is in regular rotationion on all the German music channels (VIVA, MTV Germany, etc).

You are talking about the Germany in Europe, right?
Sorry for not clarifying, I was intending to mean something like it's more popular in the US than it is in Germany, not to say it isn't in Germany...which I pretty much said. Mwahaha for getting pwned.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
mack said:
sry to burst ur bubble but i do own 'mutter' :rolleyes: and most of that album is power cords except for "nebel" but i have never heard any of their other music.

escuse me for not getting the meaning of that america song, i am ever so sorry, next time ill sit in ignorance and coform. And i would probably expect them to kiss our feet for being american. I dont know why were so bad.
We'll I'm glad you guys are American, maybe now you can type in some ENGLISH!
By the way, none of you would of ever of heard of Rammstein if it wasn't for David Lynch.

(Sorry I hate to have to go Loco Gringo on you guys but something had to be said.)