
We are not athletes???


Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2004
wine country
My dumbass friends at school think that I nor other riders are athletes. They play mostly baseball and basketball type sports. I don't play any team sports and suck at runing. They also say I am too fat to be an athlete and don't look like one (wtf). 2 of them ride a little bmx, yet they dont even support riders. :confused:

:mumble: I suck at running (bfd). I am 15, 125lbs and fat belly is .75" (Im a fat ass) (sarcasm). An athlete is one who does athletics. Any form of cycling is definitley athleticism. Size or shape is completely irrelevant. How can they say that riders are not athletes.

They looked it up in a dictionary and said they were right. I looked at it and it definatley suported me and they could not interpret it correctly.

We should form a huge RM mob and kick their asses. :nuts: :nuts: :nuts: :nuts: :nuts:


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
I think they are trying to get you pissed off and it's working :D

I could give a rat's ass if anyone thinks I'm an athlete.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
mtnbrider said:
I did as if lance is. They said yes because he's a pro. Im not too pissed. They always piss me off.
Well, they aren't pro, are they?

You need to work on your debating skills..........

Oh - and *don't* let 'em piss you off. That's all they're going for.



Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Cycling is a great sport for the individualist: there is no coaches, referrees, or school boards to tell you how to think.

I coached youth basketball for a few years, and I realized how much thinking I tell the kids to do. No brainwashing, but I did tell them how to act on and off the court, and how parents expected and welcomed it.

If you want to pigeonhole yourself as an athlete, then take the jocks' challenge and try to explain how cycling is a sport.

Otherwise, tell then "Coach said do 100 push-ups right now, or you're sitting on the bench this week" and then go off and ride.


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
Remind them what the "high school football star" usually ends up doing: Selling shoes ;) Al Bundy style

Oh yeah, who gives a sh*t if they think you're an athelete or not. Life is too short to worry about others think of you.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
You might not realize this, but many of the newbies who get involved with cycling after college were involved with team sports in school.

One of my best friends was captain of his basketball team, but was going to quit in his senior year because he was sick of the team crap. His coach and teammates convinced him to stay on, but 10 years later I can't get him to touch a ball. He has turned out to be a decent DH and snowboarder, though.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Around DC
Who cares what they say? I got into biking my senior year of high school after playing soccer for 12 or so years and even playing varsity for my high school. I still play soccer in intramural at college and going to play indoor league but i enjoy individualistic sports. More focused on yourself and what you can do and dont have to worry about the other people on your team since i had lots of jackasses on my soccer team.


Mar 14, 2005
I am an athlete. I played basketball in college, I am very good at most sports, i just have natural athletic ability. I ride a bike. Through my years, practice has made me excel in sports, and out of everything I have practiced.. Mountain biking has been the hardest.. so yea.. Damn straight its a sport, and riders are athletes


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
hooples3 said:
I am an athlete. I played basketball in college, I am very good at most sports, i just have natural athletic ability. I ride a bike. Through my years, practice has made me excel in sports, and out of everything I have practiced.. Mountain biking has been the hardest.. so yea.. Damn straight its a sport, and riders are athletes
i don't think you have to be an athlete to ride a bike. i do think that riding a bike can help in athletics. Mt. biking can be a sport and it also can be recreation. It's what you make of it. Whatever you want to get out it really, but i've always felt that just because someone participates in an athletic event doesn't necessarily make that person an athlete.
But whether it is or it isn't a sport or riders athletes or not, shouldn't make what you like doing any less important or more important for that matter.
Funny as you grow up alot of times, sporting events turn more into merely an excuse to go and drink alcohol than anything else for a majority of people.


Oct 17, 2002
Poker players... now there's some athletes!

ESPN has more coverage of a friggin' spelling bee than of cycling and you're upset cuz a couple friends are giving you crap?


Turbo Monkey
May 23, 2002
Bellingham, Washington ~ U.S.A.
Someone tell me why bass fishing is on TV??? Poker? Do people LIKE to be bored?

Oh my goodness! His hook missed the mouth by HALF an inch! He was so close...! He got it! It's the longest one today to win the competition and he wins a million dollars in prizes (not to mention dinner that he caught).

Yeah, mountain biking is so boring. Where's the action? No wonder they dont win millions of dollars worth of stuff for winning a national DH race, nearly killing themselves that one time the rear wheel bounced after hitting an outcropping rock... so boring.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2004
wine country
Stinkyboy is your avitar a foot? WHy are spelling bees and poker and stuff on tv, much more ESPN. I though it was a sports channel. I hope mtb gets on tv soon. 4x,ds,and dh would be perfect. THere is new camera technology being developed so I think it will happend not too far down the road.


Dec 23, 2004
Tell them that just because your sport doesn't include a stick, a ball or patting other dudes on the ass doesn't mean you're not an athlete.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
mtnbrider said:
My dumbass friends at school think that I nor other riders are athletes. They play mostly baseball and basketball type sports. I don't play any team sports and suck at runing. They also say I am too fat to be an athlete and don't look like one (wtf). 2 of them ride a little bmx, yet they dont even support riders. :confused:

:mumble: I suck at running (bfd). I am 15, 125lbs and fat belly is .75" (Im a fat ass) (sarcasm). An athlete is one who does athletics. Any form of cycling is definitley athleticism. Size or shape is completely irrelevant. How can they say that riders are not athletes.

They looked it up in a dictionary and said they were right. I looked at it and it definatley suported me and they could not interpret it correctly.

We should form a huge RM mob and kick their asses. :nuts: :nuts: :nuts: :nuts: :nuts:
This teaches you two life lessons:

1. Get use to people telling who and what you are or aren't.

2. Get use to people pulling your chain for amusement.

If you can't learn to deal with both, you gotta a long hard life ahead of you.


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
I guess it depends on what they "mean" by athlete - if they are inferring that mountain biking in general is not a sport, then they're goofs and you should just ignore them or invite them out for a ride so they can learn differently.

If they are inferring that in order to be an "athlete" one must train nearly daily in order to excel at the sport of choice, and then they would be right that "most" mountain bikers are not "athletes" but individuals in pursuit of an enjoyable, recreational sport - like pick up football on the weekends with your buddies, or softball for round bellied adults to do after work ;).


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
Jr_Bullit said:
I guess it depends on what they "mean" by athlete - if they are inferring that mountain biking in general is not a sport, then they're goofs and you should just ignore them or invite them out for a ride so they can learn differently.

If they are inferring that in order to be an "athlete" one must train nearly daily in order to excel at the sport of choice, and then they would be right that "most" mountain bikers are not "athletes" but individuals in pursuit of an enjoyable, recreational sport - like pick up football on the weekends with your buddies, or softball for round bellied adults to do after work ;).
Well, said. There is a component of being an athlete that assumes a kind of competition and seriousness (just as a dorky side-note, the word derives from the Greek word athlon, which means "prize").

I think we can more chalk this up to these kids being idiots, though. In high school I basically didn't tell anyone I rode. People are too closed-minded at that age to really understand it. I mean, wearing spandex is so "gay" :rolleyes:
I high school, most people didn't get it and probably thought cycling was stupid. In college, it's a whole different story. Many more people ride and, though they might not understand DH riding, they get the general idea.


Jan 28, 2004
Denver, CO
mtnbrider said:
I did as if lance is. They said yes because he's a pro. Im not too pissed. They always piss me off.
If this is a common occurrence, either I'd never talk to them, or I'd do something to them that would make them not want to push your buttons ever again. I hated high school because of punks like that. IMO, punish them ;)


Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2004
wine country
This is a tiny private high school in Los Olivos. A fooball team is being started next year. I am going north to portland and the san juan islands in a few weeks. I really need to find a small bullit because my mtb is cracked the shock mount and the headtube.


wannabe curb dropper
Sep 2, 2003
I want to move to BC!!!
I am a rider, but not an athlete... actually i want to install an ashtray on my handlebars... i dont like dismounting the bike in order to smoke...

a line like this would work wonders in an arguement :)


Turbo Monkey
May 25, 2005
They're just jealous. Let's face it, riding bikes is much cooler than playing football, basketball, or soccer. They all want to ride, but are too scared...don't pay them any mind...they're just a bunch of chumps...


Feb 4, 2002
Flying Low Living Fast
Zark said:
Remind them what the "high school football star" usually ends up doing: Selling shoes ;) Al Bundy style

Oh yeah, who gives a sh*t if they think you're an athelete or not. Life is too short to worry about others think of you.
And how... I went to my 10 year right after turning semi-pro. All the Jocks were fat, beer drinking, forklift driving slobs. I was f*&ing great to be all fit as hell, still looking in my early 20's. Most looked like they would drop dead of a heart attack before 35. Yeah kid screw them. Do what I did harness their bad vibes into making you faster and better. Cyclist and swimmers are some of the most overall fit athletes in exsistence BTW. And remember in 3 years YOU WILL NEVER SEE MOST OF THESE PEOPLE AGAIN!!! And you will be happy about that... trust me.


Oct 17, 2002
mack said:
HS tip #1. High School doesnt matter. (except the grades)

God, only 2 more years of this BS.
Best make good use of those two years, cuz...

I can eat a can of Alphabet Soup and crap out a more intelligible post than you typically produce.