
We Crippled wit RESPECT....V2.0

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Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2003
chicodude01 said:
Hey, where is the option for your mom? :oink:
I actually laughed out loud when I read that. I especially like the use of the :oink: when refering to VV's mom. :p

TheMontashu said:
any one notice sence bens return this thread is 10000000 times better
Muahahaha, yet another eFriend to add to the list... :devil:

T-Pirate said:
Ben, watch yoself, get too friendly and he might molest you.
Thanks TP, but I have assessed the current threat, and the current threat level is only at "aqua". No need to panic... yet. :think:

Curb Hucker

I am an idiot
Feb 4, 2004
Sleeping in my Kenworth
dexterq20 said:
I actually laughed out loud when I read that. I especially like the use of the :oink: when refering to VV's mom. :p

:nuts: you suck Ben, but i must say the which of the 3 is my girlfriend has to be the funniest thing ive seen on here in a long long time :thumb:

The Kadvang

I rule
Apr 13, 2004
six five oh
ViolentVolante said:
a whole $5, you fit the stereotype better than anyone else :eek:

and damn that musta been an ugly ho, because $5 is like the going rate for crackwhores :blah:
VV is getting all up in my grizzil... Would you mess with this man? Cuz that is pretty much me.



Turbo Monkey
T-Pirate said:
SHREDCOMMANDER pretty much invented flowers.
Yeah well too bad HuckworthyPedophile butthucked Bjs sister as well as pissed some toxic meth urine all up on dem flowas. HuckworthyPedophile will bang all children indeed and also a little granny action on the side depending on his Huck/Strung out level. Huckworthy will exploit your sisters, mothas, grannies whatever it takes to catch his BUZZZZZZZZZ...


ViolentVolante said:
i know, thats because im not trying to be mean to the jews or cause any overly absurd political uncorrectness
Don't worry dude. biker3 just made anything you can type look normal.

The Kadvang

I rule
Apr 13, 2004
six five oh
biker3 said:
Yeah well too bad HuckworthyPedophile butthucked Bjs sister as well as pissed some toxic meth urine all up on dem flowas. HuckworthyPedophile will bang all children indeed and also a little granny action on the side depending on his Huck/Strung out level. Huckworthy will exploit your sisters, mothas, grannies whatever it takes to catch his BUZZZZZZZZZ...
Duder, HP is practically my idol... almost, :love:
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