
We Crippled wit RESPECT....V2.0

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Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
dexterq20 said:
I actually don't like Heavenly that much; too crowded and too many gaper tourists. And since I'm at UCSB, our team goes to Mammoth all the time, so I won't be anywhere near Tahoe. I've never owned a season pass in my life before, but this season I'll be in posession of a Heavenly pass and a Mammoth pass.
Ben, if there are good freshies head over to the Nevada side and take Boulder chair up to Olympic chair, when you get off of Olympic stay to the left of the chair (when facing downhill) up along the boundary line. That area is called WP, or Western Perimeter. There are some awesome spots back in there, it's good ole fashioned tree skiing! Most people don't know about it so it can stay untracked for days sometimes. It will take you all the way back to the Boulder lodge if you stay high. Also the farther you are willing to traverse into Mott canyon, the less tracked it is as well. Another good place to go is off the top of Sky in CA head over traverse like you are going to Dipper in Nevada but bust off to the left about 2/3 over the traverse and head down into the bowl full of small trees. That will run you down towards the bottom of Tamarack but a little over towards Sky. I forgot what that area is called but it can be sooo sick in there!


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2003
TheMontashu said:
Manager at the local shop that ben worked at said it. Because when he read stories to his son he said brofish instead of joesif I think not posative though
Is that really where it came from? I never got the story behind it, I just kinda picked it up along the way. Good to know, eh? :thumb:

(Just in case you folks were wondering, TheMontashu and I go waaaaaaaay back, like... July of 2004. Psh, don't even, brutha!)


Apr 5, 2004
West Menlo
Today I walked into a bathroom at school and some polynesian kids were playing dice. I decided that tomorrow I'm going to bring a dredal and a bag of gelt and show them how it's done. jew style.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2003
TheMontashu said:
didn't the republicans WIN fiar and square
Yeah probably, but Condoleeza Rice is still one creepy-lookin' ho.

Curb Hucker said:
Ben you should get yourself some carhartts. theyre the ultimate redneck pants, not to mention comfortable and very durable
Since we're on the subject, any other products you'd care to advertise for? Or perhaps some valuable fashion tips from the heartland of America?

Curb Hucker

I am an idiot
Feb 4, 2004
Sleeping in my Kenworth
dexterq20 said:
Since we're on the subject, any other products you'd care to advertise for? Or perhaps some valuable fashion tips from the heartland of America?
In the spirit of shameless plugging, Ride: Canfield Bros Frames, White Bros forks, MRP guides, Middleburn Cranks, Oury Grips, SIC bars and stems, SDG seats, Push Shocks, Michelin Tires, Sun Rims, Sram Drivetrain components, eat at Subway, and Drink Hansen's or Redbull energy drink, and if youre in chicago shop at Cycle Smithy, while online shop at Go-Ride.com

hows that for shameless advertising. As for fashion tips, why im mr. fashion my daily wardrobe consists of: 12 pairs of Carhartt jeans and khakis, a few fancy pairs of jeans, and biking T-shirts that i get for free. Ive got a few hoodies too


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2003
The Kadvang said:
Much R3SP3CT to dex* for letting me gaffle his muzak.
Good effort with using "gaffle", but it's actually a noun, not a verb. From dictionary.com:


\Gaf"fle\, n. 1. An artificial spur or gaff for gamecocks. 2. A lever to bend crossbows.

Don said:
<shameless plugs>
That may have been your worst post ever. :stosh:


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2003
The Kadvang said:
In West Menlo aka da 650 aka hella nor*cal, gaffle is verb meaning to steal or take...
650? I've never heard of that area code in my life. I guess you learn something new every day.

The Kadvang

I rule
Apr 13, 2004
six five oh
Wow... your life must have been pretty damn empty up until now...

"Reppin' da bay, from the fo one five to the six five oh to the fo oh eight, holla..."

"Yay area 650"


Pourly Tatteued Jeu
Mar 15, 2004
I'm homeless
dexterq20 said:
805? That's the area code here in Santa Barbara. You seem a little confused. Time for South Park now.
as soon as i get my mini fridge i will only have to leave my room for school, shooting, biking, and friends.
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