

It's not poo
Dec 1, 2003
Originally posted by dwaugh
Very true! But how dare this thread almost drop down to page three! :mad: Who let that happen?!

sorry... I have school, and today I didn't get to a computer, and then I rode. I have almost let it slip. Glad another member carried it back.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Originally posted by mack
All you need to understand is that mack is just subconsiously wanting to a RESPECT cape cult member and that he is lashing out. Especially when it is simply beyond his limited capacity of orginiality and humor to be worthy of the RESPECT cape cult.

So in the end he is simply a playa rata or should I say RESPECT hata. So sad.

However if he keeps it up he will be a mack getting the smack as opposed to a mack giving the smack. Don't make Max Julien come get you fool.


It's not poo
Dec 1, 2003
Originally posted by DRB
All you need to understand is that mack is just subconsiously wanting to a RESPECT cape cult member and that he is lashing out. Especially when it is simply beyond his limited capacity of orginiality and humor to be worthy of the RESPECT cape cult.

So in the end he is simply a playa rata or should I say RESPECT hata. So sad.

However if he keeps it up he will be a mack getting the smack as opposed to a mack giving the smack. Don't make Max Julien come get you fool.


The Kadvang

I rule
Apr 13, 2004
six five oh
Originally posted by DRB
Must RESPECT us with the story.
Alright, here it goes. Driving up to skyline (local trails), we are stuck behind a guy in a vw van going around 10 mph in a 35 zone. We gave him a couple of 'courtesy honks' in an attempt to get him to speed up. So, instead, he stops, and gets out of his car with a wrench! So, we pin it around his other side, and continue driving. Unfortunatly, he continues to follow us. So, at the next stoplight, he gets out of his car, and walks up to our window, with his wrench, yelling something uncomprehensible, but clearly angry. My friend is trying to roll the window up but the guy swings with the wrench, drops it, puts his hand on top, and uses his other hand to punch my friend, THROUGH THE WINDOW! My friend yells: "get the f**k of my car, get off" and trys to open the door to throw him off. The guy then pulls my friend out of the car, which was a bad call, as he is a big guy who knows how to handle himself in a fight. Luckily, he just tries to restrain the man, who keeps yelling and hitting him. As we announced we were calling the cops, the guy broke away and ran back to his car. We took his plates, and followed him to his house, conviently located in a cul-de-sac. In about 5 minutes, cops arrived, and went up to talk to the guy. Suffice to say he will be majorly RESPECTED prison. Luckily, we still had time to ride Skeggs, and here is a lovely blurred pic.
