
We got a trail dog!!!


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Roxi frikkin' rocks on the single track. I took her for her first trail ride today & she owned it! I never put her leash on & she just followed or jetted ahead, staying close. She barely even got in the way & moved when I yelled, she was perfect. My only complaint was she couldn't run any farther, she would have run farther but I could tell she was tuckered out. This summer's riding is going to kick ass.

*edit: we have always had a trail dog, but she is finally old enough to be on the trail with us without a leash.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
I hate having to stop on a trail because some dog is running all over the place. I'm tempted to bring my Pit on a trail and let him run wild... Or would that be inconsiderate?


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
a-town biatches
awsome man. trail dogs are deffinatly kick ass. i mean normal people are close to there dogs but trail dog owners have a bond that nobody can break. enjoy the new found rides man hope that you enjoy the rest of the time.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Have I said this before? My dog looks exactly like your dog.

She's an OK of a trail dog too. Unfortunately she's got a little bit of sight hound in her so she'll run squirrels or deer if she sees them. But she comes right back. The trick seems to be that you have to keep moving or she'll get bored and start eyeballing the woods looking for trouble.

The other problem is that she's was pound dog and is very poorly socialized and is afraid of other dogs. She freaks out and tries to kill them. It's very unpleasant. We have to be very careful when letting her off leash to make sure nobody else is around with a dog. That really limits our trail riding time to days when the weather is so nasty that nobody else is out and about. It's very sad because she can run like hell.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
I Are Baboon said:
Cool. I wish our pup could be a trail dog. But the first time she saw a squirrel, she'd be gone and we'd never catch her.

Squirrels are cool with our dog. They don't run far and she just trees them and waits for me to come get her. It's the deer that I worry about. She's sees a deer and I'll never see her again, I'm sure of it.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Yes, you have. You are so redundant. :D

That funny how she is anti-social. Roxi is anti-social too, but when she is around other dogs she just rolls over & yelps. When we hike she goes off & does her own thing, sniffing stuff, but she always coming running back as soon as she realizes we aren't by her side.
Funny mutt.

jdschall said:
Have I said this before? My dog looks exactly like your dog.

She's an OK of a trail dog too. Unfortunately she's got a little bit of sight hound in her so she'll run squirrels or deer if she sees them. But she comes right back. The trick seems to be that you have to keep moving or she'll get bored and start eyeballing the woods looking for trouble.

The other problem is that she's was pound dog and is very poorly socialized and is afraid of other dogs. She freaks out and tries to kill them. It's very unpleasant. We have to be very careful when letting her off leash to make sure nobody else is around with a dog. That really limits our trail riding time to days when the weather is so nasty that nobody else is out and about. It's very sad because she can run like hell.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
BikeGeek said:
Which is why we are just now taking her on the trail, after we have had her a year, trained her intensely & made sure she responds to ALL our commands. I hate an unruly-all-over-the place dog on the trail too. If you can't keep your dogs, or kids for that matter, under control, you shouldn't leave the house with them.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
jdschall said:
Squirrels are cool with our dog. They don't run far and she just trees them and waits for me to come get her. It's the deer that I worry about. She's sees a deer and I'll never see her again, I'm sure of it.
Our dog breed (greyhound) is bred to chase small furry animals and has thousands of years of instinct pushing her. We can't take her anywhere outdoors without having her on a leash. We love her though! :love:


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
jdschall said:
How old is Roxi?

Shady will be 2 in April. We've had her for a year now.
We have had her for a year this month & she will be 2 in October.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Cool dogs make fun riding partners. Probably more fun than people who worry about having to stop during a ride for other trail users.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
I Are Baboon said:
Our dog breed (greyhound) is bred to chase small furry animals and has thousands of years of instinct pushing her. We can't take her anywhere outdoors without having her on a leash. We love her though! :love:
They top out at like 40 mph, right? She could be miles away in no time! That is ultimately why we didn't get a greyhound.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
TN said:
We have had her for a year this month & she will be 2 in October.

You're lucky. She's a little younger than our dog. Less time to pick up bad habits. Probably a little easier to train. Ours was in the pound for about 8 of her first 10 months. You can tell, she's a mess in the head. Poor girl. We had to house train her when we got her and she missed a lot of other important doggy developmental stages.

In some ways riding with your dog is probably really good for them from a socialization point of view. Being part of the pack and knowing their place in the pack is very important.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
Skookum said:
Cool dogs make fun riding partners. Probably more fun than people who worry about having to stop during a ride for other trail users.
I'm all for dogs, but in AZ it's a law to have your dog on a leash. Do they? Rarely. Do I run into the dog? Does the dog chase me? How the fuq do I know? Should I bring my dog on the trail too and have it kill all of the fun loving special bond dogs out there? Would I be wrong if I did that by your logic?


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
stinkyboy said:
How the fuq do I know?

Don't be a dips***! If you know anything about dogs you can tell if it's under the owner's control or not and make your decision of what to do based on that.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
I Are Baboon said:
Our dog breed (greyhound) is bred to chase small furry animals and has thousands of years of instinct pushing her. We can't take her anywhere outdoors without having her on a leash. We love her though! :love:
If I remember correctly, a couple of years ago on mtbr there was a video posted and the trail dog in the video was a Saluki.

It was a pretty fast dog.


Dec 6, 2004
there's this old guy (round 60's) that allways brings a couple of aussie dogs (dont know the breeds name but they are sheep dogs full of dots and kinda grayish blackish color) for a hike on the trail we ride... those mutts are amazing, the guy can have them stop whatever theyre doing and go back to him with a wistle.... really smart and friendly pets.... i allways play with them when i meet this guy, he doesnt seem to be bothered by that.... they love to chase us in the downhill....


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
jdschall said:
Don't be a dips***! If you know anything about dogs you can tell if it's under the owner's control or not and make your decision of what to do based on that.
Coming around a corner and a dog is loose on the trail. Do I need to call a pet psychiatrist real fast? Contact the dog telepathically? What?! Since your dog is cool you don't need to obey the law? I'm a dip****?! WTF?!


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
stinkyboy said:
Coming around a corner and a dog is loose on the trail. Do I need to call a pet psychiatrist real fast? Contact the dog telepathically? What?! Since your dog is cool you don't need to obey the law? I'm a dip****?! WTF?!
I hear you.

If the dog comes around the corner and you don't see the owner than the owner is not in control of the dog. In that case, do what ever you see fit.

Ideally the dog should be trained to stay within around 6 feet of the owner.

Do you tear the labels off mattresses? Do you speed when you drive? Even a little bit. 5 mph over? If you do, then get off your high horse about "the law" and how it applies here.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
jdschall said:
I hear you.

If the dog comes around the corner and you don't see the owner than the owner is not in control of the dog. In that case, do what ever you see fit.

Ideally the dog should be trained to stay within around 6 feet of the owner.

Do you tear the labels of mattresses? Do you speed when you drive? Even a little bit. 5 mph over? If you do, then get off you high horse about "the law" and how it applies here.
And if you take your dog on some cliff hugging, thin ribbon of singletrack, with certain death one false move away, yeah, he may have a point right. He is just going about making that point, in the most abrasive way possible. Prick.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
stinkyboy said:
Nah, I got the mods where I want them. :rolleyes:

I'm leaving work in a few minutes and wanted to hurry up an do a bit of poo flingin...

ya got me then.

cocksucker. :D


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
TN said:
And if you take your dog on some cliff hugging, thin ribbon of singletrack, with certain death one false move away, yeah, he may have a point right. He is just going about making that point, in the most abrasive way possible. Prick.
I like it when you scratch my ears.



The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
TN said:
He is just going about making that point, in the most abrasive way possible. Prick.

'Tis the way of the stinkyboy. Alas. That's why I called him a dip****. I know he's doing it on purpose.... It's just annoying sometimes. Jeez.


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
I Are Baboon said:
Our dog breed (greyhound) is bred to chase small furry animals and has thousands of years of instinct pushing her. We can't take her anywhere outdoors without having her on a leash. We love her though! :love:
Ah the old 40mph couch potato! :thumb:


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
TN said:
And if you take your dog on some cliff hugging, thin ribbon of singletrack, with certain death one false move away.
Doggie hop.....

There are alot of people i see out on the trail with some fine looking doggies. Many times it's nice to stop and quickly chat, and 99% of the time the doggies just wanna run with the pack.

i just don't see any reason to whine about sharing the trail, as long as trails don't get littered with dog turds. Horse is bad enough....


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
SkaredShtles said:
I'm with SB on this one. Most dog owners are severly deluded when it comes to assessing their dog's behavior.
gimme a break....

Alls we wanted to do was go for a fun mt. bike ride in the park....



Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
TN said:
Which is why we are just now taking her on the trail, after we have had her a year, trained her intensely & made sure she responds to ALL our commands. I hate an unruly-all-over-the place dog on the trail too. If you can't keep your dogs, or kids for that matter, under control, you shouldn't leave the house with them.
I'm not trying to rain on your parade, I love dogs with a capital :love: That's awesome that you have her trained so well. I wish I could say the same about both of mine. I've just had too many bad experiences with dogs on the trails, and their owners. I've put myself in harm's way on too many occasions so that I wouldn't hit a dog only to be told "slow down," "pay attention" or even "hit my dog and I'll kick your ass." Could just be this area...95% of the people here think the sun revolves around them.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
jdschall said:
Don't be a dips***! If you know anything about dogs you can tell if it's under the owner's control or not and make your decision of what to do based on that.

most people rippin down the trail with their dogs do not have control over them. the last time rode with a dog, a very very well disciplined and seasoned trail dog, he cut out infront of me causing me to turn away from him and right into an embedded stump at which point i dropped from mach 1 to a dead stop in .000005 seconds. i piled it up on my neck, my bad arm and my chest at very high rate of speed causing me to go to the bone doctor the next day and get x-rayed to make sure all of my hardware was still in place in my arm.

i dont like any dog while it is in on the trail. not a single one. they cause wrecks.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge
So.... what do you blame when you come around a corner and see another person, deer, racoon, etc. on the trail? Or if you wreck without a dog anywhere near? Boo hoo hoo. There are a lot of sour apples riding the trails it sounds like. So what if a dog runs in front of you on the trail? Big deal. I was riding with a friend of mine and his dog ran under me while going down a hill. I flipped over the bar and cracked my helmet. BIG FLIPPIN DEAL! I got up and rode on. Grow up.