
We got a trail dog!!!


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
profro said:
So.... what do you blame when you come around a corner and see another person, deer, racoon, etc. on the trail?
grow up? how about applying some non-faulty logic here?

a dog owner is responsible for their dog's actions. period. the examples you listed are not similar. a person is responsible for themselves, or their parent/guardian if they are young. the deer, racoon and other adorable woodland creatures fall into the 'acts of god' territory, and remember, you are riding in their home. not the same as the dog, unless it's a feral one. got the difference?


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
narlus said:
grow up? how about applying some non-faulty logic here?

a dog owner is responsible for their dog's actions. period. the examples you listed are not similar. a person is responsible for themselves, or their parent/guardian if they are young. the deer, racoon and other adorable woodland creatures fall into the 'acts of god' territory, and remember, you are riding in their home. not the same as the dog, unless it's a feral one. got the difference?

People should keep their dogs on leash in all public places, IMO.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge
The difference? Its just typical now-a-days logic. Always trying to lay blame and responsibility on someone for everything.

Ride your bike.
Fall down.
Get up.

Get on with life. :nopity:


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
profro said:
So.... what do you blame when you come around a corner and see another person, deer, racoon, etc. on the trail? Or if you wreck without a dog anywhere near? Boo hoo hoo. There are a lot of sour apples riding the trails it sounds like. So what if a dog runs in front of you on the trail? Big deal. I was riding with a friend of mine and his dog ran under me while going down a hill. I flipped over the bar and cracked my helmet. BIG FLIPPIN DEAL! I got up and rode on. Grow up.
uhhh yeah those are not very similar. breaking my arm again becuase someones dog was on the trail with us is not the same wrecking. you have seen me wreck with no worries. when it is someones dog though that is a different story.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Shady actually does pretty well on leash with the bike.

As long as I go slow and she picks the right side of the tree to go around. :ouch:

This is such a touchy subject. Maybe we should talk about abortion or the president or something.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge
You know I respect you Biggins, I just see it different. Crap happens. Whether it is a dog, yourself, or another person. I choose to not lame blame. I find it sad when people get so bent out of shape over the 5 seconds they encounter a dog on a hour plus mtb ride.

Heck, I went on a 2+ hr road ride lastnight and I had all kinds of rednecks honking and yelling at me. I even had some jerks ride by me so close I could read what channel there radios were tuned to. But I made the choice to ride on the road, so I have to deal with what I will encounter. Trust me... dealing with a random dog and its consequences is a lot less worrisome than dealing with a redneck in a 2 ton truck going 50 mph.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
profro said:
The difference? Its just typical now-a-days logic. Always trying to lay blame and responsibility on someone for everything.

Ride your bike.
Fall down.
Get up.

Get on with life. :nopity:
Yep.. unless you are Pres. Bush... then libs try to make it into something else... :p


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
jdschall said:
Shady actually does pretty well on leash with the bike.

As long as I go slow and she picks the right side of the tree to go around. :ouch:

This is such a touchy subject. Maybe we should talk about abortion or the president or something.
holy **** she does look like roxi.

as for the rest of the conversation i'm out of it.

we don't have to share the trail with people here because we are always on them alone. the likelihood that anyone will be on the trail is slim to none. and just about anyone that we run into on the trail is just out walking their dog (off a leash) anyway. don't worry about the dog killing anyone.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
profro said:
You know I respect you Biggins, I just see it different. Crap happens. Whether it is a dog, yourself, or another person. I choose to not lame blame. I find it sad when people get so bent out of shape over the 5 seconds they encounter a dog on a hour plus mtb ride.

Heck, I went on a 2+ hr road ride lastnight and I had all kinds of rednecks honking and yelling at me. I even had some jerks ride by me so close I could read what channel there radios were tuned to. But I made the choice to ride on the road, so I have to deal with what I will encounter. Trust me... dealing with a random dog and its consequences is a lot less worrisome than dealing with a redneck in a 2 ton truck going 50 mph.
feel ya there....riding road around here is the exact same way. you also know i have mad respect for you as well. I just dont see why dogs need to go downhilling with people. a nice leisure xc ride or something along those lines is different as is a wild woodland creature or big nasty windrock boulder takin me out. i am not laying blame on the dog or the owner i just think that there is a time and place for everything and if the owner truly had "control" over the dog it would not have cut in front of me causing me to pile it up like that.


Apr 17, 2004
I'm with the "leave'em at home" crowd. All dog owners swear up and down that their dog is "a real good trail dog". That may be true for some of you but the other users who don't know you at all don't know what to expect from your dog.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
biggins said:
I just dont see why dogs need to go downhilling with people. a nice leisure xc ride or som...yada yada yada.
Dude, wasn't that your dog with us on the DH run at Kitsuma? I thought you said he was yours but stayed with Asa or something along those lines. And for the record I would not take Roxi DH'ing...that IS retarded...I am not calling Biggins retarded...just wishy-washy. :D

And frankly, if I took Roxi DHing (not gonna happen), I would be more worried about her that any of you guys. :rolleyes:


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
TN said:
Dude, wasn't that your dog with us on the DH run at Kitsuma? I thought you said he was yours but stayed with Asa or something along those lines. And for the record I would not take Roxi DH'ing that IS retarded...I am not calling you retarded...just wishy-washy. :D

And frankly, if I took Roxi DHing (not gonna happen), I would be worried about her that any of you guys. :rolleyes:
was my dog he has been asas dog for a few years now. its the same dog that actually ran out in front of me and caused me to pile it up real hard. that incident costed me 140 bucks just to have my arm re-x-rayed.not to mention that throttle is the best behaved trail dog i have ever been around.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
stoney98 said:
My friend shattered her elbow, spent 2 years off her bike, countless medical bills, etc. Because someone's dog was off it's leash and ren in front of her while riding.
The dog owners were more upset that somebody hit their dog with a bike then the fact that a girl was lying in the trail with a shattered elbow. It was extremely difficult getting their information as they faulted her for hitting the dog. It was not until the ambulance and then police arrived that we were able to get their info.
Well trained dogs can be off leash, and by well trained, I mean K9 unit dogs. Otherwise, dogs are a liability on a public use trail.

Any questions?


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
TN said:
betchya' wont go DHing with Throttle anymore. :D
damn sure wont...or any other dog for that fact. nice work on your trail pooch though. you will have many good times together and maybe it will prolong ya'll having kids. ;)