
We Love You Dan Sapp


Turbo Monkey
Sep 18, 2007
in the dirt
Welcome to the Daniel Sapp appreciation thread. This thread is devoted to all the great things Daniel has done to help the Appalachian State mountain bike team. Thanks for shuttling us countless times up sugar mountain, changing my tires, giving me parts I'm not paying for, buying 10 cases of beer this weekend and only drinking 8 beers, and being the number one team soccer mom.

We are pleased to announce Daniel's exciting return to downhilling after his tragic shoulder dislocation tearing sugar mountain to pieces a mere three weeks ago. Daniel rode yesterday when I snapped these sick pics.

Our victory would never have been possible without Daniel's love, support, and countless connections.


Nov 8, 2003
North carolina

I've known you for years, we had our ups and downs but we will always remain good riding buddies. I remember back 2003 when we were Hucking downtown and I broke my fork, thanks for being there and helping me pick up the pieces and have drive to continue to ride. I'm not sure if I would still be riding if it weren't for your support.

Daniel = The Man



Oct 7, 2007
Boone, NC
Some know him as Brother D, others as Dane Scribeliane. Some may call him Daniel, Sappling, Dan, or even D Sapp. Whatever you affectionately call Daniel,we all appreciate his genuine enthusiasm and support for the sport of mountain biking. When I ride with Daniel he never hesitates to show me new lines he's discovered, or give me that extra push to clean that steep section. Brother D, This one's for YOU!! App state 08 Natioanl Champs!!


Dec 1, 2005
Boone, NC
Ever since ive moved to Boone, ive heard everyone talk of this mystery man Daniel Sapp and his love and dedication to the sport of Downhill. And while I havn't yet had the privelage of meeting this young man, i hope that one day in the not so distant future I might have the opportunity to shake his hand and convey to him my appreciation for everything he's done for the App State cycling team on their road to becoming the 08 NATIONAL CHAMPS. just a little thank you from the WHSDC (Watauga High School Downhill Community)


Oct 29, 2008
My college professor asked me today to write a reflection on some of the people that have left the biggest impressions in my life. I went through many names this afternoon, and along with many well known characters like Ghandi and Clint Eastwood, one name stuck with me and I was compelled to see if I could dig up some information on him. Like everyone in this day and age, I used google to aid in my quest, and I happened upon this very thread. Daniel Wayne Sapp is a true friend if there ever was one. A little known fact about Daniel is that he came out to my hometown of Bellingham, Washington this summer and turned me on to the sweet sport of downhill. Like a heavenly angel from heaven (Kernersville, NC), he turned the sleepy little town of Bellingham upside down.

Moderator, Make this thread a sticky...This man is a legend worth remembering.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 3, 2004
Cary, NC
One great man, so much to say. My heart will always go out to Sir Daniel Sapp, one of the faster riders ever to grace the slippery slopes of Sugar Mountain. Roughly three weeks ago Sapp suffered a devastating injury to his shoulder. Everybody on the Appalachian Cycling team was in ruins. Who can we now ride with to show us such skills of epic proportions? No more talk of daftly dodging trees, gapping gargantuan rock sections, or sliding sideways in banked berms.

Alas, Sir Sapp has recovered from his injury in God Speed. I am thoroughly impressed with the speed of which he came back to the sport he loves. If I ever receive an injury while riding mountain bicycles I will think back to Daniel's rapid recovery. I am still unsure of whether he rides or recovers faster, yet either way, Sapp is a savage.

Daniel, you are the light at the end of my tunnel. You are the oars to my canoe. I feel I have been blessed to meet your acquaintance.


Mar 27, 2005
Boone, NC
well I just don't know what to say...i'm touched...I don't know how much I comprehend in this thread, I do however know that in the past month I have learned many things from the great folks on the App state gravity team, and the housey bros crew.

If it weren't for Mueller talking me out of going to class and riding instead, I would probably be graduating in may....thank you mulestar, you help me live. I believe this is young mulestar shredding the loading docks.

Steven has for sure been my oldest bike riding comrade. I knew him awhile before this photo was taken, man, the 24 was sweet.

You guys really are a couple of stand out swell fellas, top notch. Motomike, you have been around since the very begining of gravity racing at appstate. You truly do deserve the first place and first ever natty title, I wouldn't have driven 8 hours solo up north to race and win conference 3 years ago when it all began without a co-pilot. Trilliam, I dropped you off on the side of the road last week, I would never do that to anyone else, you are the only person that I knew would have an epic night and a story of greatness to tell, you did not disappoint, you spread the appstate victory spirit all the way to mesa state. Wholesome, when you say something, it's usually pretty stellar, alas, you dominated helping everyone out all weekend at nats, from running shuttles to loaning bikes, to partying your insides out...you are like the stains on my socks, even though I don't always see you, I know you're always around.
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Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
I too have much love for Mr. Sapp. He was one of the many groms that have passed through the trials of adolescence under the guidance and watchful eye of The Tubby. He is one of the few "youngins" of whom I place my trust in all things cyclisma as well as in life choices. 'Twas a cross country summer trip accompanied by The Frenchman and Senor Scott that solidified my faith in the soundness of Mr. Sapp's decision making as I received not one single phone call asking The Tubby for advice involving the law.
Not only is Mr. Sapp of sound character, he is also a solid rider and his dedication to the sport has oft brought a tear to my eye. Always a bridesmaid and never a bride may be his motto in terms of racing history but now is the time where we can all come together and thank him for his undying support and desire to help. Mr. Sapp, you are truly an ambassador to the sport and you have at least two "get out of jail free" cards on retainer from The Tubby for all of the times you have helped me with parts and support.