
Wed evening dirt ride in Reston


Mar 24, 2004
State of Confusion
June 9, around 5:30 at the Reston Skate rink, just east of Wiehle Ave on Sunset hills, turn on Michael Faraday (north side of Sunset hills). At the cul-de-sac, go right into the skating rink lot, then left (uphill) to the back of the lot. We'll be heading out around 6:00 for about 1.5 hrs fun in the dirt. We'll probably head down the W&OD first, then hit the trails at the green electrical boxes on Sunrise Valley, then loop around past Rt 7, and through Lake Fairfax Park.

Look for my black Dodge Dakota with a cap on it. Or look for the tall guy on a green/gold GF Sugar 2. That would be me.
