
***Wednesday GMT***


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Good Morning!!!

Man...there are some depressing job-loss threads kicking around the Lounge these days. Best wishes to everyone that gets bitten by the economic beast.

Daddy day care is a lot of work. Colin is a blast to hang around with, but man can he ever cause some damage. I guess he gets it honestly.

It's a beautiful day here in NC, and perfect for dirt jumping this evening.

Whoops....gotta run. I hear the little dude in his crib getting ready to hit DEFCON 5.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Good morning, monkeys! An uneventful day yesterday, and today is looking like more of the same. I am hoping to get to the gym today after two days of rest. I've been feeling banged up the last few days. I fell asleep early again last night and thankfully missed most of the Red Sox game.

Quo Fan

don't make me kick your ass
Morning monkeys!

Spent the last 2 days watching blasting within 30 of a house under construction.

Today I'm gong to watch a boat load of rocks flying in the air. Much fun to be had. Last time I was at this site, it was pouring rain. Today is supposed to be sunny.

Tonight I'm leading the "high impact" workout.


Aug 15, 2007
Morning all. My On call weeks seem to get worse and work. Got woken up at 12:05am and 4:30am for calls. At least I get OT. Going to be a tired day for me. Have a good one all.


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
Morning. Mom-in-law comes to town today. Beer drinking partner for a couple of weeks.

Last warm day in PA for a while they say. May ride this PM.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
I haven't lost my job, but lot of people I know either have or will be as the city goes through a massive budget cut. I'm in a department that won't suffer massive cuts, so I'm in better shape than most.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
One of my staff just gave her notice. Nooooo! She's one of my best employees. She's 81 and says she's worked long enough. :D
Wow - I can only imagine the damage her 401K account must have taken over the last year/6 months. Maybe you can convince her into sticking around unti she's 85 at least! ;)
Sep 19, 2008
Central Alamance County
I see builders going out everyday. The housing industry is really taking a beating. And this all began with mortgage brokers pushing loans that should have never existed. Our company is very custom, and the rich are still rich, so we have seen a downturn but continue to be profitable. All government seems to be cutting back as they receive less and less tax revenue. It must correct soon or we will likely end up in a depression. I say let the social revolution begin now, I'm tired of the lying politicians that are only concerned about themselves and their contributors.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
Good morning.

We got some hiking in this past weekend. It is officially fall here.

I signed my paper work with the Boys and Girls club and pending a background check and TB/Drug Screen I am starting as the Eat Smart Educator for their teen program. I am stoked. It's only part time during the school year so I am going to supplement my income working with a Dog Daycare a couple of days a week. One of the women I interviewed with at the kennel snowboards so I am going to try to get some lessons out of her this season.

Just bought my XC ski boots so I am READY for the f'in snow man.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Morning all. Good luck to all the monkeys in job searches. This economy is awful!!! On a positive note, I just had a meeting with my principal and he has met with the Elementary & Middle School Principals and the Superintendent and they are all REALLY impressed with my work thus far and are hoping that I will agree to assist the new guy at the Middle School as he is drowning AND they are offering to pay me more to do so :think: I would go over and help him for free, but if they're going to pay me that's even better :D

Quick MTB ride for me last night and it was fun. There is a lot of potential in the area that I rode and I went out with the 2 guys that have been doing all of the building and maintenance there and we brainstormed some new lines -- it's cool to have guys respect me like that on a ride!

Off to the copier I go...wish me luck, it breaks everyday!


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
It's fall here too and I love it with all the leaves and colors. 29 degrees for my ride into work this morning. I get so snotty this time of year from the cold.

Have a good one!


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
to supplement my income working with a Dog Daycare a couple of days a week.
That will be fun.

You will like working with dogs more than working with people.
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