
***Wednesday GMT***


Jun 11, 2009
East Bay, Cali
Left my window cracked at work yesterday to air my truck out after a weekend of wet/muddy riding. A bird managed to bullseye a turd into the slightly cracked window......

dafuq man


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
That's because the Bundespolizei are not fucking around and will actually ENFORCE the "no passing on the right" law. AFAIK.
I just know I was going around 140mph when a 911 came behind me with lights flashing. I was told to move over quickly (I did) and was then passed as if standing still.

I will say what I found awesome was the same mentality worked on the escalator. If you care to stand, stand to the right to allow folks to walk past your lazy ass on the left. :rofl:

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Yeah, that is why I was pissed. I had to read the wikipedia entry which only slightly cleared things up for me. All of the jumping between past and present, conscious and subconscious, dead or alive, and who the hell's brain was telling the story at any given time made it hard to follow.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
I just know I was going around 140mph when a 911 came behind me with lights flashing. I was told to move over quickly (I did) and was then passed as if standing still.

I will say what I found awesome was the same mentality worked on the escalator. If you care to stand, stand to the right to allow folks to walk past your lazy ass on the left. :rofl:
It's a general lack of awareness - when you don't EVER think about what other people might be doing. And it becomes habit.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Yeah, that is why I was pissed. I had to read the wikipedia entry which only slightly cleared things up for me. All of the jumping between past and present, conscious and subconscious, dead or alive, and who the hell's brain was telling the story at any given time made it hard to follow.
yea, it can be difficult at times to follow for sure. i find myself rewatching episodes just to know what's going on.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
I brought my laptop home yesterday because I had to bring the boy to the orthodontist at 11 today. I figured it would be easier to work from home in the morning. turns out it was the right call. It's been nuking all day (easily 12" since yesterday) and it's warming up. The roads are ridiculously slippery. it's supposed to warm up and turn to rain tonight too. :rant:all this beautiful fresh fluffy snow is going to go to shit. >:(
Its raining here now. All that slush from no plowing on the roads sure is messy.

It'll make tonights fat bike group riding interesting.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Its raining here now. All that slush from no plowing on the roads sure is messy.

It'll make tonights fat bike group riding interesting.
Looks like my crew is going to (xc) ski tomorrow. I pitched it as a way to lay a base to bike on later... if it stays warm(ish), this plan might just work.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
I just know I was going around 140mph when a 911 came behind me with lights flashing. I was told to move over quickly (I did) and was then passed as if standing still.

I will say what I found awesome was the same mentality worked on the escalator. If you care to stand, stand to the right to allow folks to walk past your lazy ass on the left. :rofl:
Japan also has good stair and escalator lane discipline, if you will. No idea about how driving is there--never driven when I've been there because why bother when the trains are so good?


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Japan also has good stair and escalator lane discipline, if you will. No idea about how driving is there--never driven when I've been there because why bother when the trains are so good?
True. Also legit ped laws, too in both areas. If you aren't in a crosswalk, you can hear the car accelerate. But if you step off the curb in a crosswalk, everybody stops.

Why is shit like that surprising? The overall lack of common sense and self awareness in the country is sad. Sad!


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
True. Also legit ped laws, too in both areas. If you aren't in a crosswalk, you can hear the car accelerate. But if you step off the curb in a crosswalk, everybody stops.

Why is shit like that surprising? The overall lack of common sense and self awareness in the country is sad. Sad!
and yet cyclists in Japan ride on the sidewalk. Often while texting. and holding an umbrella. and smoking. at the same time! and no one dies, and it's not pandemonium...

I friggin' miss that place.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Yeah, that is why I was pissed. I had to read the wikipedia entry which only slightly cleared things up for me. All of the jumping between past and present, conscious and subconscious, dead or alive, and who the hell's brain was telling the story at any given time made it hard to follow.

I with you on that....just show some more robot sex, shoot some people and let's get on with the program, OK?


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Oof.... snowing all day.. love it

Tried after some elk this morning, just couldnt quite close it. Did however snow shoe 4.5 miles in the process. Not easy snow shoe, like even with snow shoes the snow was up just over my knees. Great times being out.

Mother nature dropped a good 12 plus inches in bridger pass, there was a solid 6 inches when i went through, saw the plow coming the other direction, by the time i came back there was another 8 inches on the road...

Super fun when there is no guard rail and you have no idea where the edge is


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2008
A lady who aggressively changed lane then continued directly into my lane and where I was so I was only saved by decent Volvo handling and no cars in the lane left of me so I could move over. A couple of scary seconds in the car. I need to be even more alert next time I see aggressive driving like that and make sure I have an escape planned.
Danes are not bad at driving, they are just bad at physics. Two bodies can't be in the same place. I blame the education system, and that in the land of Niels Bohr. :disgust1: ;) :D


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Much success growing hydroponic Tomatoes. I am told it is hard to get them right. I am going to try green onions and peppers next. Not very tasty....



Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
Oof.... snowing all day.. love it

Tried after some elk this morning, just couldnt quite close it. Did however snow shoe 4.5 miles in the process. Not easy snow shoe, like even with snow shoes the snow was up just over my knees. Great times being out.

Mother nature dropped a good 12 plus inches in bridger pass, there was a solid 6 inches when i went through, saw the plow coming the other direction, by the time i came back there was another 8 inches on the road...

Super fun when there is no guard rail and you have no idea where the edge is
Why would you slow-shoe when you could use skins and skis?


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Gale force winds, blowing snow, glad I'm back inside and not attempting to go anywhere.


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
Back under 200lb for the first time in six years...woot woot.
When are we riding again? You should be out-climbing me now, skinny man!

That's because the Bundespolizei are not fucking around and will actually ENFORCE the "no passing on the right" law. AFAIK.
Nah, this isn't about fear of enforcement, this is one of the basic rules everyone is taught in Yurp in driver education. Plus it is a self-preservation instinct. No-one ever expects you to pass on the right, you're digging yourself a grave if you do that, even if there is no police to be seen for miles.
All my european friends are genuinely terrified the first time I take them to the freeway and pass on the right. Also,they tend to scream and take cover when I take the Massachusetts left. :D