
***Wednesday GMT***


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2006
Asheville, NC
Office duty this morning. Got a lunch meeting with one of our larger breweries today. Hopefully will score some schwag of some sort or at least get a behind the scenes tour. Bike ride afterwards.


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
My peer just got fired by our new boss. He has been a major PITA and pretty much built his career here at the expense of others so I am not going to miss him but still, the boat is rocking and people are nervous. All that on the back of a major meeting explaining to us how great our culture is.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
first we had winter, now we have spring. that dirty snowbank, dull, slushy, dog crap thawing, messy spring. and November isn't even over yet.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Good morning, pretties. I was up early this morning for some some glorious EXERCISE. I've got my annual review at 2:00 today, which will be a phone call with my boss. I'm fine if he just e-mails me the review form and asks me to sign it. I don't need a conversation about it. I don't even need a review. Really, I just want to come into work every day and be left alone. I am pretty sure my rating will be "Exceeds Expectations" because somehow I have everyone here tricked into thinking I am good at my job.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Shit hit the fan at work this morning. FTS.

first we had winter, now we have spring. that dirty snowbank, dull, slushy, dog crap thawing, messy spring. and November isn't even over yet.
Yeah what the heck.

I am visiting another one of our plants today to the west of Toronto, so no riding with the friends tonight. But I was planning on riding some trails over that way. But, I only have my fat bike and winter boots in the car. Going to feel like a dweeb on that thing in the mud...but it'll be dark, so maybe no one will see??


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Here. Morning appts were cancelled so getting caught up on stuff that normally gets pushed to Friday. Lots of emails planning meetings Jan-Feb will be going out today.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Morning. Another frosty day in Montana messing with my hiking and hunting.

Should be in the field already, but the roads are just not safe when it was 0430..... even now they are touchy.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

Seems my boss is overall happy with what I have done thus far. It's a tough position that shouldn't even exist. The QA folks are all cool old guys who have been laser geeks for decades. But as far as QA goes, they are kind of clueless.

Example: We use Team Foundation Server for both project management and code management. But for our test cases we have a spreadsheet that list 98 separate Word docs, one for each test case in a given feature. Only 7 of the 98 are actually written and nobody has time to write the others as we are too busy testing. :panic:

An advantage of using TFS for tests is you can link them to project items and also code check ins. You can also show status as well as "is automated" to show ones I have covered that used to be done by hand.

But hey, 98 Word docs are cool.



butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Hello all. I last ate about 38 hours ago. I shall eat in a bit, yes, I think I will.

Normal 8-5 day for me, but at least I pedaled my bike in. (Did bring clothing to ride home in the expected rain.)


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Presentation in an hour. I actually brushed my hair & put on a shirt with a collar and buttons today. I know it doesn't matter cuz I made magic happen with the assets I had & the piece is looking pretty baller, just need a thumbs up on the final script so I can get the VO cut.
Yall get your firewood squared away yet?


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Hello all. I last ate about 38 hours ago. I shall eat in a bit, yes, I think I will.

Normal 8-5 day for me, but at least I pedaled my bike in. (Did bring clothing to ride home in the expected rain.)
TMI question- How do your bowels feel after the extended fasts?


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
TMI question- How do your bowels feel after the extended fasts?
I'd give it a try, at least to 48 hours to see how you feel. At 72 hours or so one can get some loose, mucusy poops, posited to represent old caked-on shit breaking loose (but who really knows?). Before that it's a period of peace and tranquility. Bowel rest is a real thing.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
TMI question- How do your bowels feel after the extended fasts?
I'd give it a try, at least to 48 hours to see how you feel. At 72 hours or so one can get some loose, mucusy poops, posited to represent old caked-on shit breaking loose (but who really knows?). Before that it's a period of peace and tranquility. Bowel rest is a real thing.
but... what's the point of them? honest question. it seems like you're doing them an awful lot. I've heard of people doing monthly cleansing fasts, but I get the impression you're doing them weekly? are you drinking "smoothies" and such?


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
but... what's the point of them? honest question. it seems like you're doing them an awful lot. I've heard of people doing monthly cleansing fasts, but I get the impression you're doing them weekly? are you drinking "smoothies" and such?
1) Defattening. Caloric restriction leads to metabolic adaptation, dialing down the metabolic rate. The theory behind fasting instead (so eating at 100 or 120% of normal on non-fasting days and then 0% on fasting days) is that it doesn't slow the metabolic rate down similarly. I'll test this theory out on Dec 18 when I get a repeat metabolic rate test to compare to data from August.

There's also the whole insulin bit, in that lipolysis -> ketosis -> oxidation (aka burning fat) is much more possible when one's in a low glucose, low insulin state... like with fasting.

2) Autophagy/longevity. This shit is actually good for you, this shit being fasting, not the caked-on shit. Nvmd. Anyway, autophagy is a real thing (2016 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, tons of literature out there from yeast through humans). I am increasingly convinced that maintaining a low, steady glucose level (and thus insulin level) and engaging autophagy as much as possible is the key to longevity.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Phone screen went well, they wanna do round 2 with the manager of the group. Base pay is 60% more than my last jerb, plus bonus, plus other incentives. So that would be pretty neat.

Got another phone interview on Friday. @jonKranked and I could be coworkers.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Go check out his fasting thread. No, seriously - he's got a fasting thread.



Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
I saw this this week


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
<snip> All that on the back of a major meeting explaining to us how great our culture is.
Remember - you can't have culture without "cult"!

<snip> I don't even need a review. Really, I just want to come into work every day and be left alone.
Yup. I know some people are motivated by goals and getting good reviews and all that shit... but some of us honestly are not. But... I guess HR needs something to do?

I am pretty sure my rating will be "Exceeds Expectations" because somehow I have everyone here tricked into thinking I am good at my job.
Ultimately, this is all that really matters.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Yup. I know some people are motivated by goals and getting good reviews and all that shit... but some of us honestly are not.
forcing someone who doesn't to come up with SMART goals is very highly ineffective leadership. I know first hand.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
I still stand that my keto is pretty thoroughly kicking ass. A normal person . The only short coming is on endurance workouts and for those I just need to make a point of staying on top of eating consistently as I go. Lack of beer is annoying though...


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Yup. I know some people are motivated by goals and getting good reviews and all that shit... but some of us honestly are not. But... I guess HR needs something to do?
Honestly, I just want to do well enough to be left alone. Let me do my job and let's skip all of the awkward chit chat about wanting to take on more responsibility. I'd like my work to stand on it's own merits, not have my sucess be tied to the number of people I can verbally fellate.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Well that went OK. The marketing director is a P&D guy, so that makes it kinda painful but could be worse!


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
1) Defattening. Caloric restriction leads to metabolic adaptation, dialing down the metabolic rate. The theory behind fasting instead (so eating at 100 or 120% of normal on non-fasting days and then 0% on fasting days) is that it doesn't slow the metabolic rate down similarly. I'll test this theory out on Dec 18 when I get a repeat metabolic rate test to compare to data from August.

There's also the whole insulin bit, in that lipolysis -> ketosis -> oxidation (aka burning fat) is much more possible when one's in a low glucose, low insulin state... like with fasting.

2) Autophagy/longevity. This shit is actually good for you, this shit being fasting, not the caked-on shit. Nvmd. Anyway, autophagy is a real thing (2016 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, tons of literature out there from yeast through humans). I am increasingly convinced that maintaining a low, steady glucose level (and thus insulin level) and engaging autophagy as much as possible is the key to longevity.
Wouldn't it just be easier to...ya know...pedal uphill ?
