
***Wednesday GMT***


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
your kids don't work?

when are you going to kick them off the tit....or...make their own money...damn....

come on mr pushups!
Nope - the eldest was a lifeguard for a bit a few years back... but none of them work.

They are all off the payroll after university - unless, of course, they decide not to go. Then they are off whenver that is. :D

Their aversion to work may sorta be my fault. :homer:


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
you people with kids.....buy them a 2500 beater and encourage them into the workforce...

just a suggestion....

if you have 2 kids....it is called sharing.
My kid doesn’t have his own car and takes bus to school. He doesn’t even drive my truck, nor does my wife. All his spending money comes from his job. No accidents/tickets/claims in family either.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
You ever have that shit where they would squirt emulsified whatever strait into your stomach? Gads, I hated that. It wasn't even warm and you could just feel this cold.....something, down deep in your stomach. :fie:
When I was at Vancouver General, I complained they weren’t feeding me enough on the drip, given my metabolism at the time. I was constantly hungry. Their solution was a “bowlus” feed which meant they’d squeeze larger servings in at fewer intervals instead of leaving me on a steady drip.

Fast forward to the American hospital reading an order on my chart for the bowlus feed. However, American hospital interpreted that as all the food for the day at once. I nearly puked from the daily portion of fluid being pumped into me in a matter of minutes.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
I have no doubt! he was starting to use it as an excuse to watch TV. He'd say he was hungry and wanted his feed. We'd say have your smoothie, and he'd be "no, I want the tube"... If we said fine, but no TV, he'd be pretty upset! it was kind of funny. But now that's not an option. I'm going to have to get good at calculating the amount of protein in various foods now... or I could just wing it, as usual!
Probably a dumb question... but how does it work for your kid? When he eats what do you do, insert a tube down his throat or is there a valve to his stomach? So many questions!


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Probably a dumb question... but how does it work for your kid? When he eats what do you do, insert a tube down his throat or is there a valve to his stomach? So many questions!
The tube is already there. For a temporary tube through the nostril--I did two of these today, in fact. Permanent ones will be via the abdominal wall right into the adjacent stomach, a percutaneous gastrostomy.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Probably a dumb question... but how does it work for your kid? When he eats what do you do, insert a tube down his throat or is there a valve to his stomach? So many questions!
well, the tube is gone now, but it's called a naso-gastric (NG) tube. It's just a plastic tube that goes in your nose and all the way down your to your stomach. there's weights on the stomach- end to keep it in, and a little cap at the external end (think of the cap on an inflatable beach ball). when it's time to feed, you put formula in a bag that also has a tube at the end that connects to the NG tube. there's a pump that pulls formula from the bag and pushes the formula down the NG tube. and that's it. one feed for him was 440ml, and the feeding rate was 400ml/hr, so it took about one hour and 20 minutes to feed. time he was allowed to watch TV, but at 4 feeds a day, that was 5 hours and 20 minutes... a bit much IMO....
The tube is already there. For a temporary tube through the nostril--I did two of these today, in fact. Permanent ones will be via the abdominal wall right into the adjacent stomach, a percutaneous gastrostomy.
forgot that part, yeah, the nose-tube stays in. That was the only thing keeping him from going to school. because he's so hyper, we were worried he'd pull it out. normally, those tubes can just be shoved right in, but because the skin in his esophagus is still healing and very delicate, if it came out and needed to be put back in, it would have had to be done in the OR, with a scope. which is why we didn't want to run the risk of it coming out accidentally.
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