
***Wednesday GMT***


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
ugh- had a phone screen that went well and moved on to a formal "zoom" interview, but then they pulled the title and swapped it for a rung below where I am now. Really like this company and enjoyed speaking with the boss, but I don't want to waste anybody's time interviewing for a position I won't take.
Major red flag.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
so don't. point it out. ask them if that was an error or if the switch is accurate. if they verify it is accurate, politely explain that wasn't the position you had submitted for and that in the interest of not wasting everyone's time you are withdrawing your application but if the position you *did* want & apply for becomes available you'd still be interested
I guess I didn't explain fully, they said the position that I applied for was filled (and it appears to be from their jobs page and linkedin) and that I would be instead interviewing for another position. The new position is a rung below what I was just promoted from (based on what I can see of their job hierarchy) so that's a firm "no" from me. I spent a lot of time trying to break through the glass ceiling of becoming a scientist while not having a PHD and I really don't want to go back. I'm more than surprised that they would just say "Oh BTW you're applying for the position that should be reporting to you LOL NO PROB K BYE" rather than asking first if I were open to such a thing.

I asked for clarification of what's going on before proceeding with the interview...if they can't or won't do the title I need, then I'm all set. I can make the place that I work at now work, it's just harder than bailing out and is going to take more energy.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
hey @AngryMetalsmith ....here is a list of nc fielookouts....standing and not standing....any of them look like the one you lived near in boone...

Yeah, looks like it's gone. It was off Fire Tower rd in Boone. When I was a kid we did a family hike all the way up to the tower, met the ranger who let us up. He told us he was watching us as we hiked up over steep boulders and that we had passed over an active mountain lion den. Good memories from living on a mountain side in Boone in the 70s.


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Good for you. :thumb: I am still waiting for mine. :stosh:
Well what I got was the 2014 NOS frame I bought in Austria that @iRider found so an easy straight swap. I think that was the only new frame of that model for sale in Europe and then in the right size too and the best color combo that year. Not even sure if GT will warranty. Just trying to find somebody that can help me is difficult. Are you waiting on SC to send you something?