
* Wednesday GMT *


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Up early, well two nights of good sleep are better than nothing.

Monster storm rolled over the front range yesterday.

Installed larger rotors on the bike, hope to get out for a ride this morning.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

I appear to have developed a case of tendinitis in my left foot that is proving rather unpleasant. Not a fan of this.

Off to the office in a few hours. I usually only go in for a half day but it's a mentally exhausting half day. I can't wait. :rolleyes:


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
Arrrgh, screwed over by VDO gauges twice in a week, shit quality control can really take the profit off a job.
I'll get to do a hour and a half round trip to fit a sender that does what it says on the tin, yay!
Was an otherwise easy day, big job got canned by the customer at 7am.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Whatcha say there, brothers from other mothers! Retirement party for one of my employees went well last night, in that I got the hell out of there at 6:00. Got an office retirement party today for two others. It starts at 10:00 and there will be donuts and cake. FUCK YES.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Up early, well two nights of good sleep are better than nothing.

Monster storm rolled over the front range yesterday.
View attachment 193625

Installed larger rotors on the bike, hope to get out for a ride this morning.
S and I were watching that cloud as we rode yesterday afternoon and could smell the rain/moisture in the evening.

It was zero clouds up here when I woke up, now it's clouds right outside my windows.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 30, 2006
Corn Fields of Indiana

OMG Girl the synergy this morning in our office is just contagious.

Watching co-workers get shit hammered at 3pm on 42oz margaritas was mildly entertaining. . . I drank water.

Ultra sound with the mrs today. Nugget #2 is getting pretty good sized. Nugget #1 is starting to get overly excited.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Here. Up north for client meetings - where the next monster storm is expected to roll through today...


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
present. rough start this morning.

going over my DH bike last night in preparation for opening day saturday, which has the possibility of being a rain-out. we'll see. new saint SPDs installed. discovered that my rotors are bent and the pads need replacing.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Man. In my former life one of my roles was showing boiler inspectors around so they could inspect pressure vessels. We had 3 vessels in an attic that had been installed in 1973. The condition of the data plates was poor but not red-tag poor. I'd have to bust out the wire brush and clean them up so I could take a pencil rub. With pencil rubs in hand I was always able to fend off the inspectors and they would approve the continued use of the vessels.

Fast forward to now. The guy who took my job showed the inspectors around. When they got to the vessels I mentioned, employee calls a 3rd party contractor who comes out and sand blasts the data plates. Now everything is beyond pencil rubbing. They're getting quotes for replacement and it'll end up well over 250k for the work to be done.

The employee who initiated all this mess put in his 2 weeks within days of all this going down. He didn't tell the owner he had the data plates sand blasted. He was way over his pay grade.

What a poor showing.
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Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Just had to go to the trailhead 1/4 mile away to sell something, visibility is sub-50 yards out there in the fog. I shall avoid outdoors for the rest of the day.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
I've been roped into migrating the fileshare for our divisions head office to Azure. Pretty simple task.

Holy shiat the permissions on these folders.....what a cluster. And getting these folks to decide what to do with data from 2005 is going to be like pulling teeth - good thing I can delegate that one out.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Can't re-cert the pressure vessels and re-issue data-plates somehow? Then have the new data plates cut from 1/2" plate with the letters cut clear through so they never wear out.
If they saved my pencil rubs there is a chance new data plates can be made and retrofitted near the vessels. After I left I dont know what happened to all my files.

The contractors who did the sand blasting basically purposely sabotaged these vessels for a chance at the work to replace them.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
I've been roped into migrating the fileshare for our divisions head office to Azure. Pretty simple task.

Holy shiat the permissions on these folders.....what a cluster. And getting these folks to decide what to do with data from 2005 is going to be like pulling teeth - good thing I can delegate that one out.
I just finished a project moving data from *tapes* from as far back as 2009, because nobody had the balls to throw it away. :D


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
I just finished a project moving data from *tapes* from as far back as 2009, because nobody had the balls to throw it away. :D

Friggin' hoarders man. No one even knows some of this data exists, but when we tell them they can't make a decision.

And we have a very clear data retention policy written down..

In my Excel file listing out all the top level directories for review I just put "Delete?", "Delete?", "Delete?"... :D


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Still kinda morning Monkeys.

Round 2, just got home and called, see how long it takes. They said last night they had it all set up, so it shouldn't be another 7 hour ordeal. But maybe, we will find out. ETA was 90 minutes, so maybe lunchtime.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
I just finished a project moving data from *tapes* from as far back as 2009, because nobody had the balls to throw it away. :D

Friggin' hoarders man. No one even knows some of this data exists, but when we tell them they can't make a decision.

And we have a very clear data retention policy written down..

In my Excel file listing out all the top level directories for review I just put "Delete?", "Delete?", "Delete?"... :D
A bit liked canned reports, fairly sure my system is generating some that the old system we replaced a decade ago used to generate and no one has looked at them this century. But you can't get anyone to review and drop them.


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Got some good Strava times today on the fun down hill sections. Makes me happy I can get a top 6 on a section which also requires a lot of pedaling and not too far off the World Cup XC pros. Not sure what you guys think of Strava but considering I’m an 51 year old fart it adds to the fun for me when riding the local trails system.