
weds gfmt


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Mtb ride later before I head south Friday and away from the bike for two weeks.

Teenage boys are some lazy fuckers. Dad let them know this morning. Not sure it will make a difference.


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
everyone must get groped.
One time they were gonna give me a good feelin up and the guy says "We have a room over here if you would like more privacy" so I said "Let's stay here so everyone can see what you do for a living" and he got all frowny and wouldn't look me in the eye. Imagine listening to shit like that all day. Getting roasted nonstop.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
One time they were gonna give me a good feelin up and the guy says "We have a room over here if you would like more privacy" so I said "Let's stay here so everyone can see what you do for a living" and he got all frowny and wouldn't look me in the eye. Imagine listening to shit like that all day. Getting roasted nonstop.
was expecting him to say me love you long time


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
One time they were gonna give me a good feelin up and the guy says "We have a room over here if you would like more privacy" so I said "Let's stay here so everyone can see what you do for a living" and he got all frowny and wouldn't look me in the eye. Imagine listening to shit like that all day. Getting roasted nonstop.
Next time start singing "free ballin" by Tom Petty


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.

Man, do I not miss the airport.

Had an absolutely miserable 5k with the wife yesterday evening. Going for a run after donating blood at lunch was probably a bad idea, in retrospect. But, I slept like the dead, so that was nice. It also feels like I'm really starting to hit my groove at the new jerb and I'm still not dreading going into work every day. Things are coming up Milhouse.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Here. Gonna chat with Wifey about Haley's full-sized kart later today. Haley asked about it last night while we were all in the kitchen. Getting the new motor vs. moving up class with hers is somewhat of a larger than planned for expense, so we'll likely end up with a used chassis. It's not the best option (a kart chassis needs flex and springiness, which it loses through usage), but might be our only option. She's okay with it, so that is good.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
:wave: Taco Tuesday was a smashing success. Got half way through GFCI replacements, will finish today.
Doing a little wrenching tonight with my buddy Mike. Have the best day EVER y'all.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011

Slept good, but still tired. :dead:

Ride night, but all my friends are being LOSERS and are either working, getting married in Vegas or just not replying, so I will ride solo.

Will ride closer to home, mainly so that I don't need to bring lights.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
biked in to work today, took about the same amount of time as by car. Hit every single red light in Waltham, as is tradition. I need to find a route that is a little more conducive to the EEB to see if I can cut a few minutes. Still, showers at work, a locked bike room, and all you can eat potato chips is a pretty decent deal. Beautiful morning too- I'd have taken pictures but somebody would make fun of my nose hair


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Hello all

must WFH in the PM. so I might as well not go in in the AM as well and make it a solid day.

/me yawns


free wieners

Rain, also gotta fuel the excavator, which means doing the Chinese fire drill with twelve 5-gallon diesel cans today. Got 4 massive trees to fall today, then I can continue moving fill dirt and cutting out pads, the sheeps foot roller should arrive tomorrow so I can start compacting fill layers. My dump truck driver is out for elk season this week, and next, so the amount of haul out sitting on the lots is atrocious. I am running out of room.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
waiting for wakefield house of pizza to open....

looks old.

EDIT: fantastic
Last edited:


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Either someone purchased a new helicopter and is doing laps, or the helicopter thats been flying over head all morning is related to this down the street:



The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

The lack of wingdings is disappointing.

Got a cryptic text from a buddy about ER, COVID and diabetes with a note to call moms, so I did. Seems my buddy got COVID in July and damn near fell into a diabetic coma a couple days ago leaving work. COVID might have brought on diabetes. WTF.

He lost over 30 pounds and his sugar level was off the charts. He's a pretty healthy dude who has never smoked and hardly drinks. Shits crazy, yo.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Ugh, the dome piece is feeling foggy, with a slight headache.

Motivation to go ride is now super low, but it'll probably make me feel better, right?