
Weekend in Red Feather Lakes (lots of pics)


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
This past weekend, my brother came up from Texas with his wife and boy and we rented a cabin in Red Feather Lakes, CO. Its about 1.5 hours west of Ft. Collins. Had a great time. We were also joined by some friends who live in Ft. Collins. Weather was awesome for friday and saturday, but turned cold and ugly sunday and monday. No big deal, as we still had loads of fun. There's an awesome mtb'ing area just 10 minutes from where we stayed, but I only got to ride on sunday. Since the weather was so crappy, we didn't ride long, but we still had a great time. Here's some pics:

Here's our cabin, viewed from the lake behind it:

Steph and Evy hanging out:

View of the little lake:

Water grasses:

Brother Mark and his son Soren:

We went for a hike on Saturday:

Steph in a meadow:

Evy sitting in a meadow:

Sitting in a meadow #2:

Gathering flowers in a meadow:

Running around the meadow:

Weather started to turn Saturday evening:

Friends Josh and Katie suiting up for our ride:

Katie emerging from the fog:

Trail wasn't too muddy, but was quite wet:

More muddy wetness:

Betty the dog had a great time:


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
McGRP01 said:
THIS is a cabin...
haha i gotta agree(hot tub), my pal invites us over to his parents "cabin" in Winthrop Wa. and it's a frikkin mansion. Just cuz you put stain on something instead of paint don't make it a cabin haha.

Looks like great times there though, lotta serenity.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
looks like a great time. your little one is getting BIGGER! Jeez, I remember her in her Winston Churchill phase. :p