
Weight loss article

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
I am in the process of reducing my body weight from 155 to 147 a weight that is square in the middle for my height. I don't take any supplements or vitamins at all - a well balanced diet will give you everything you need. At the same time I would like to reduce my body fat from around 16% to 10 or 12%.

My plan right now is to concentrate on distance running for the winter and moving over to epic road bike rides in the spring.
Originally posted by Serial Midget
I don't take any supplements or vitamins at all - a well balanced diet will give you everything you need. At the same time I would like to reduce my body fat from around 16% to 10 or 12%.

I disagree.

I don't know anyone who gets the right amount of vitamins, minerals, fiber, etc etc without supplementing their diet with something as simple as a multi vitamin to things much more complex (depending on their needs).

However, having said that, I think fat burners are a waste of time and 'miracle' supplements which promise to promote weight loss etc.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
I was trying to read that article but the link didn't work for me. Either the link is dead now or Have I slow internet connection due to which I'm unable to see that page?
Links are only kept alive for 9 years. This thread is now 10 years old.
Please focus spamming efforts to active threads!

Thank you,
Teh :monkey:

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
This was midway through 5 years of funemployment, I ran out of money by the middle of 2004 and took a part time job selling shoes. Soon I would be promoted from Plum Smuggler to Al Bundy. It was a time of unprecedented opportunity. :thumb:


Dec 5, 2017
diet pills = big ol heart attack!
Aren't diet pills just a form of meth?

Did they move off the amphetamines train into something else?

Not good. Diet and excise. I remember an old Mad TV sketch, "Eat Less. Move More".

Everything in moderation with dedication.