
Weird..... Its a small world


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
So, Yesterday I went to the Nissan Parts counter at a Nissan dealership. My Girlfriends sister happens to be in accounting at this dealership, and I was talking to the guy at the parts counter asking where she was. He asked how I knew her, and I said she was my girlfriends sister. Then we started talking, because he had gone to school with both my gf, and her sister. He told me where to find her, and after we talked for a few minutes, I left to go talk to her.

Fast foreward to today... I saw my gf's sister, she came to drop somthing off, and she asked me if I remembered the guy at the parts desk and if he looked familiar at all. I said no, not really, why? I then come to find out, that he is dating my ex girlfriend.

I dunno, I just thought it was weird.

So my girlfriend went to school with the guy who is now dating my ex girlfriend and he also works with my girlfriends sister.......screw 6 degrees, thats like....2


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
small towns suck

i just moved to a new town, and every one knows every one. The first time i went out riding every one was like, "hey man i saw you riding yesterday". I was really freaked out at first, cus i used to live in a big city.

Dog Welder

Turbo Monkey
Sep 7, 2001
Pasadena, CA
There was a bully who used to beat me up in the fourth and fifth grade. He got kicked out after the 5th...never saw him until Junior year in High school....on the other side of the world in Singapore. And yes we ended up throwing down later in the year.


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
i live in a 8 million peopel city.
i still constantly bump into some friends from high school. my high school class was only 17. make the math.

in fact, the freakish encounter i had, was in Atlanta, Georgia. 2 years after i finished high school.
I was in the airport changing planes from alabama to miami, fl in march. I was eating doritos in front of the airfrance counter, and suddenly. there they were! walking like 20 yards in front of me.

my High school ex-gf, and her mom. they were in a stopover from Lima too!
keep in mind, that my HS gf went to college in switzerland, and i went to the states.
we lost contact after school, and lived in way far places almost across the world.

yet we found each other in an airport 6k miles away from where we are from. we talked for a while and said goodbye. i have seen her like 2 times since then.

there is this writer, i think it was umberto eco, who said that chances in encounters never are. that alike people visit alike places.
so its not completely random.


Dec 6, 2004
I was in the Frankfurt Airport in Germany and saw a kid that is a grade lower then me. It was wierd. Esp. when you dont know anyone that you are walking by and then randomly you see someone you know. Its cool.

I like small towns too. Small towns with Bike Parks are nice.


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
I was on a SMALL island in Greece on my honeymoon when we started talking to this other couple at a Taverna. Turns out, they were also from SF and were also on THIER honeymoon. The hostess (from chicago) overheard us and said that there was this other US couple that was there earlier who would be returning in a few hours for dinner. We stuck around, and the other couple showed up. They TOO were from the Bay area, and the wife from one couple had actually dated the husband from the other couple a few years back.

Now THAT is a coincidence.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
splat said:
I once was on a flight from Washington DC to Boston. Half way through the flight I hear from be hinf me "John is that you ? " it was a chick who I had gone out on a date like twice in College.
and the weirdest thing is that your name is Frank, eh



AAAAH! Monkeys stole my math!
Mar 4, 2004
Boston....outside of it....
I was in the military.

I am always running into people that I knew in Germany, and I live in the U.S. now....out of the military.

I used to guard General Jumper (four star....look him up) in Ramstein.
I get over here and my co-worker's son is dating the Gen's daughter......


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
MudGrrl said:
I get over here and my co-worker's son is dating the Gen's daughter......
Wow, it's sometimes troubling enough just meeting "anybody's" father, let alone one who is a freaking general. Dayuuum.


AAAAH! Monkeys stole my math!
Mar 4, 2004
Boston....outside of it....
reflux said:
Wow, it's sometimes troubling enough just meeting "anybody's" father, let alone one who is a freaking general. Dayuuum.
Yeah.... Gen Jumper, Air Force Chief of Staff

Notice the part that says "Aircraft Flown:....F-4, F-15, F-16"

He is actually a really nice guy.

But in his office he had a license plate tag that read "Too close for missiles, switching to guns" and a phone that had direct dial to the PotUS.


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
I actually don't live in a small town at all. My ex and I are both from a DC Suburb and went to a high school with 2000+ people. dont know how many people live in the town, but.... its a lot!

I am now at school, 100 miles south of my hometown, where my current gf, her twin sister, and the other guy are from. This is a big city also, Richmond, the capital of Virginia (whatever that means)

And Brian, there are more than 17 cats in the alley out back of my apartment!


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Seems like a big world to me. When I step away from a situation I never seem to cross paths with the same people again, I can't even track down people I have tried to get a hold of.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
When I graduated college, my wife (girlfriend at the time) and I drove from VT. out to Morrison, CO. for some concerts at Red Rocks Ampitheater. The day of the first show, we pull into the parking lot at Red Rocks and park right behind my best friend Melissa and her boyfriend Mike. We had no idea they were even planning on going to Colorado for these concerts.

Also, when we got inside the amp. and sat down, I hear someone yelling my name. I look up and 2 rows infront of us is another kid from our college that transfered out freshman year. Hadn't seen him in 4 years but there he was.

That sort of thing is always happening to me.


Mr. Ho Jangles
May 9, 2003
MudGrrl said:
What's your Dad do?

Is he commercial?
USAF for 21 years until he got passed over the first time for full bird colnel. Then retired and started flying commercial. Then started flying corporate. Now he's instructing in Lear Jets and flying right seat for a couple of companies part time.

I wish I could find a career that I love as much as he loves flying. That would be the best! :thumb: