
Weirdo's Of The Month


I suck at Tool
Feb 15, 2004
Chintimini Bog
:D :thumb: I needed a good laugh. Thank you.
These nutjobs put out a movie not to long ago ... "WHAT THE #$*! DO WE KNOW?!" [<-- the movie].
During it's showing at our little arty farty cinema, it revealed an amazing demographical dividing line. Liveral Arts professors/students totally dug it. Anyone with an honest science background ripped it to shreds. Many I know walked out. It was a hot topic for awhile. Funny stuff for sure.

But seriously ... a dead Atlantian is speaking to JZ Knight? Um .. dead ... Atlantian. Run Away .... Run away fast.

Ya'll Remember Heaven's Gate? Did you know they found a survivor?

He was under the sink behind the Comet!


Turbo Monkey
Mar 7, 2005
lacey washington
I live like 20 mins from these people. My best friends house is next to one of their properties. The craziest people on earth! Since they think that evil lizards are gonna come down from the mountains, my freind and I are gonna get lizard costumes and hang around there property and try to freak them out.