
Welcome arsenic


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
Hey, whats up? Noticed a few of your posts (all two to be exact :)) and saw you are from Springfield.

So come out with it... Who is you, what do you ride, all that :)

and welcome to the :monkey:

it will slowly consume your life :D


May 9, 2004
springfield, va
hehe. hi !

and thanks for the welcome !

the short version of me is that i'm a horribly outta shape guy that used to ride a lot a number of years ago. i wanna use gettin back into biking to help get into shape. well, some other shape then what i'm in now lol

time to get on the road to work. the slightly longer version will come later today =]

(comsume my life. like... checkin for new messages at 5 in the morning before work? lol)


edit to update...
what i started out ridin was a giant atx 760 what seems like a lifetime ago. back then i had time to ride for hours nearly every day. after a couple years on the giant i thought i needed something better. what i convinced myself was something better was a gt corado with a rock shox quadra on it lol. in reality, the bike didn't really fit me that well. not nearly as well as my old giant or as well as the full rigid stumpjumper i tried out at the time. but somehow i convinced myself that i HAD to have some of the "features" on the gt. live and learn. so now here i am researchin the hell outta bikes again. visiting bike shops and tryin out what they have in stock. i want to try out a stumpjumper fsr expert model but looks like i'm gonna have to have it ordered in. no one has the damn things in stock ! so that's what i'm gonna do. i guess i wanna see if that mysterious great feelin i remember from the old stumpy is there on a fully suspended one.

i live within about a five minute or so ride from the bridge over the train tracks to accotink (YaY). that's part of the reason why i'm thinkin xc type bike again.

cheers !