
"Welcome to little mexico.........err, I mean Tulsa"


Mar 14, 2005
stinkyboy said:

I wonder if Europeans and Asians are pissed at all the English signs in their countries?

I see your point.... yet Europe is full of tourists

Tulsa isnt exactly the travel capital of the world


Feb 4, 2002
Flying Low Living Fast
Yeah don't make them learn english. What a crock of sh*t. I love how you can be a non-citizen and you can get a drivers licence, food stamps, housing, grants to open a business. Now this!!!


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
To quote the great conservative thinker, TheMontashu:

"I don't have any problem paying say even twice as much for an apple if it has been grown and picked by an ENGLISH speaker."
It's a known fact that the chicken and pork slaughter farms in OK are big into bringing in lots of cheap illegals.
As a nation we are selling ourselves OUT.
We want cheap goods so business satisfies that with cutting costs somewhere.
But its a temporary measure b\c eventually the folks who will take the uber low wage jobs often consume more social service resources and as studies have proven don't contribute much in the way of taxes and often send alot of those saved low wages out of the country to help other family members....who hope to come here!

As a parallel think about what Walmart economics does long term to a community.

I'm all for people raising themselves up but we are seriously putting our nations future at risk but not doing anything except achieving lower prices for consumers. :mumble:


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
It was only a matter of time. I work at 11th & Garnett and I sometimes venture over a mile to 21st and garnett to eat... its probably 70% spanish speaking people over there. I guess Tulsa is just a magnet for Mexican folks. Havent you noticed the steady rise in lowered, extremely cheaply yet overly blinged out ford F150s, Sunfires, Cavalers... many of them even have the big white old english lettering that says "insert spanish last name here".


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
black america must be happy that white america has apparently found a new scapegoat for all social ills


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Sadly they don't teach reality in high school. The biggest drain on our tax dollars is poor rural and urban white folks who are suffering from smoking related disease and the military in that order.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Get a backbreaking job working for $3.00 an hour with no benefits and take our god blessed American jobs back!!!


I dislike that many refuse to learn English. However, I worked with lots of illegals around the ranch, and they were great guys. We have a ton of Mexican folks at work, and we do little special breakfasts and such every other Friday. Last week was watermelon, and the Mexican folks were by far the most appreciative. It's funny I would say good things, because I hated them in San Antonio. Turns out, it was just a bunch of lazy bitches that were too good for Mexico, but just "couldn't" give up their roots. So they kept their kids from learning English, so they would have problems later in life. That is the only thing that pisses me off. That, and the fact that Mexico is wide f**king open for anyone to come through. I hope the terrorists figure that out soon.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
It's a complex issue. I can't really blame someone who is dirt poor in Mexico for looking for a better life. A lot of these people just want a better life and they'll work damn hard for it. You can argue they take jobs no one here wants, pay sales taxes, rent property most Americans would turn their noses at.

On the other hand, I really can't condone illegal immigration. It sucks for the people who try to come he legally. And you can argue that here are negative effects like increase health care usage, welfare, crime, depressed wages, increased taxes to support schools et al.

I really think it sucks that our ability to control our borders is on par with Pakistan's. Control of borders if one of the fundamental defining charateristics of a country. Loco is right, sooner or later terrorists are going to figure out that the border with Mexico completely porous. Someone is going to sneak through with something like an ADM (the ex soviet union is missing a lot of those), and you aren't going to want to see what happens next.

P.S. ADM is Atomic Demolition Munition A.K.A a suitcase Nuke. Back in the day the Soviet Union had the idea of using atomic weapons as "commercial" explosives, to make Dams and such. They can't account for a lot of them.


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
Well, without the signs up how are they supposed to figure out where to go for ESL classes and such?

Really though, I'm from California, over 50% of street names and cities are spanish, something like this doesn't really phase me.

:stosh: at this post. Nice to know that RM is home to more than one racist.

The Ito


Jul 10, 2005
dhtahoe said:
Yeah don't make them learn english. What a crock of sh*t. I love how you can be a non-citizen and you can get a drivers licence, food stamps, housing, grants to open a business. Now this!!!
Hey - let me point out that there is a difference between illegal aliens and non-citizens. If you are here legally and haven't been naturalized yet, you're a non-citizen. I think the illegal aliens are the proper subjects of your rants.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
ito said:
Nice to know that RM is home to more than one racist.

The Ito
My entire family is spanish speaking. Everyone but my sister and I was born in Venezuala and left during a coup, but thats beside the point, the thing is that my family came here and learned the language, they also became citizens(sp). I think the issue here is that apparently so many Mexican people are moving up here and not learning the language at all prompting the need for signs. Seriously, we arent on the border or anything... I wonder why so many are coming to Oklahoma?

As for the car comment. Seriously, come on, that chit is funny man. At my apartment complex there is a base model mustang (circa 01) painted bright lime green mustang with awful vinyl graphics on the side, one of those monsterous metal spoilers, a funky shaped bright yellow antenna and gold spinner hub caps (bling). To top it off it says the dudes last name in white old english letters across the back window... the thing is a site to behold, and its common around here (moreso just in the last 5 years).


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
golgiaparatus said:
My entire family is spanish speaking. Everyone but my sister and I was born in Venezuala and left during a coup, but thats beside the point, the thing is that my family came here and learned the language, they also became citizens(sp). I think the issue here is that apparently so many Mexican people are moving up here and not learning the language at all prompting the need for signs. Seriously, we arent on the border or anything... I wonder why so many are coming to Oklahoma?
Well, it sounds like there is a problem with illegals being hired by local businesses who want to pay minimum wage to these people. Punish the people hiring the illegals, force them to give them benefits that push the workers towards naturalisation(ESL classes, citizenship classes, computer lessons, etc.) and all of the sudden you start having less illegal scapegoats and instead have a group of hardworking citizens who are happy to live where they do.

Growing up in a neighborhood that was almost entirely Mexican I had quite a few friends who had parents or grandparents who couldn't speak English. They moved to the states in their old age, they were uneducated and were not people who would be hired for work. They moved up to be with family, the family was taking care of them and couldn't really leave them in Mexico alone. Try teaching a 60 year old man or woman who hasn't been in school since they were 12(if they were lucky) the importance of learning English, let alone actually teaching them to speak fluently. Mastering a language is difficult for someone with a sharp brain and an education, it is infinitely more difficult to teach the language to an older person set in their ways(try teaching your grandma how to use a PC, almost impossible).

I don't see a reason for these people who follow their family to the states to be put at such a disadvantage that they can't find their way around town. Illegal imigrants who don't learn the language, yes that is an issue, but I don't really see how tearing down a few bilingual signs is going to solve the problem.

The Ito


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
golgiaparatus said:
I wonder why so many are coming to Oklahoma?
This is new? South Omaha (yes Omaha) has a large Mexican population and has for probably 50 years. The meat packing plants hire "border jumpers" to work on the cheap. I'm surprised Oklahoma is so far behind. Wait a minute, no I'm not...


Turbo Monkey
Oct 8, 2002
Portland, OR
I couldn't stop kids in mexico from shouting english at me... it's funny that in mexico everybody wants to learn english, in oklahoma they don't. Maybe it's just you who doesn't have the patience to let them practice english :mumble: Go live a season in Mexico and come back with a reason why you wouldn't rather live in a crack house with 15 other illegals than living in Mexico. Aside from the cheap milk and eggs there's absolutely no reason for mexican's to stay in mexico.

As a nation we spend billions of dollars helping countries like Iraq establish democracy with no expectation of anything in return. Mexicans at least work the jobs that we don't want to work to send only a fraction of a billion back to mexico.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
Kornphlake said:
As a nation we spend billions of dollars helping countries like Iraq establish democracy with no expectation of anything in return.

That is the funniest thing I have read in months, thank you!


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Kornphlake said:
I couldn't stop kids in mexico from shouting english at me... it's funny that in mexico everybody wants to learn english, in oklahoma they don't. Maybe it's just you who doesn't have the patience to let them practice english :mumble:
Or that they are working 15 hours a day, 7 days a week and don't have time to learn English.


Jul 10, 2005
Tulsa, OK
golgiaparatus said:
It was only a matter of time. I work at 11th & Garnett and I sometimes venture over a mile to 21st and garnett to eat... its probably 70% spanish speaking people over there. I guess Tulsa is just a magnet for Mexican folks. Havent you noticed the steady rise in lowered, extremely cheaply yet overly blinged out ford F150s, Sunfires, Cavalers... many of them even have the big white old english lettering that says "insert spanish last name here".
Going to the CiCi's pizza over there you have to know spanish or you won't get helped.