
Welcome to new riders!!! In Hopewell!! *****MUST READ*****


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
I did however promise these folks a mention here on RM, and I believe that they deserve a round of applause. While the supplier was a HUGE disappointment, this isn’t a rant so much as a sad state of affairs.

How unfortunate is it that people have not discovered the joy of a bicycle. No matter what kind of riding one does, it’s on a bike. Whether a $3000.00 DH rig to a $2000.00 FR rig or a $250.00 Raleigh SC7 basic comfort bike, the joy of riding is unparalleled to any other sport. Ridefinders of Richmond held a “Bike Challenge” in Hopewell, Virginia, with the motive of saving the air and getting into shape.

Ridefinders donated a bicycle to anyone who would ride it for 2 months and keep a journal. At the end of two months, the individual can purchase the bicycle for $100.00. Now, you have to realize that the type of people who showed up for this event was the common folk, and older crowed. It really doesn’t much matter how old they, were, but the fact that they choose to do something healthy and fun, riding a bike.

I was there helping my wife, so I went representing Ridemonkey and the Virginia and surrounding areas folks. They got a bike kick out of getting on bike riding. The smiles were everywhere!!! I swear a 300 lbs. woman got on a bike, scared to death!! I spent some time with her, as well as others, giving them the “basic” tips and instruction of how to operate the bike.

By then end of the ride she was giggling like an 8 year old riding without training wheels for the first time, and for the first time in a very long time she felt good about herself, and had hope! Something I think we forget sometimes. When we ride, we have a sense of hope. Our problems don’t seem so big anymore, and after a weekend of riding, we have hope, hope for the rest of the week.

However, there was a huge problem with the actual equipment and the supplier. They were supposed to have been there, after selling Ridefinders 60 bikes, to make adjustments repairs and to offer basic riding tips. The supplier DID NOT show up. They sold the bikes, they put them together shoddily and left them on their own, with no idea how to do basic adjustments, from loose handlebars, or ones that came loose during the ride. Brake cables sliding loose due to loose nuts on the brake mechanism and loose set posts. The organizers are not mechanics, and should not be expected to be. It’s sad really…very sad.

On behalf of the riders on this board, and riders in this area, I stepped up to the plate and did the required maintenance and riding tips. I did this not for myself, but for people who want to try, who want to rediscover their youth. I told them something that I know you all will agree with.

I told them that the difference of the riders on this board and them was ONE thing. Nothing!! We ride, and they ride. It’s not how you ride or what you ride, its just plain and simple riding.

Thanks for nothing bike supplier whose name rhymes with “Bee Gee’s”. Thanks for nothing at all. They should be ashamed of themselves for placing these peoples well being in jeopardy. I accept NO credit, as I know ANYONE here would have done the same exact thing.




Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
BigMike said:
good on you!

If I had known that was going down, I defininalty would have been there. Thank you on behalf of everyone who has ever ridden a bike :thumb:
:nope: Good on US!!!!! And WE did get thanked for stepping up to the plate!!! :)