
Well how's this for a conundrum (2 day rule)


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
Saturday night I went out for a few pints and it turned into a couple more. Long story short I hook up with this girl and take her home. We did the number exchange in da morning it seemed pretty cool.

Now I've been a follower of the widely know "2 day rule" You don't call on a girl's # until 2 days have passed (Swingers) Well two days would have meant drop calling her on V-day :eek:

"Hey you remember me? we did it a couple night ago? Wanna be my Valentine?" It just didn't seem to play out well in my head. So now I've let it slip a little longer than I like.

Did I make the right call and avoided the V-day pressure or did I just maybe let a beautiful baby slip away? I guess I'll find out tonight :help:


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
i think vday warranted the exception. nice "swingers" near-quote, too :D


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
laura said:
rules dealing with women and sex are stupid. just call her, moron. :monkey:
I guess it's a guideline, not a rule;) And I haven't found anything involving women and sex that made much sense anyway! :D


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
Megan Black said:
you idiot, you totally should have called her! ;)
:( Really?

Oh, for extra drama I forgot to mention she has an 8 year old daughter.
I've never had to deal with that dynamic before. I guess going over to her place will be interesting. Have at it kiddos :rolleyes:

Megan Black

I rocked whistler in a mini skirt and f$@* me boot
Jul 28, 2004
Beaver-town, OR
Zark said:
:( Really?

Oh, for extra drama I forgot to mention she has an 8 year old daughter.
I've never had to deal with that dynamic before. I guess going over to her place will be interesting. Have at it kiddos :rolleyes:
that's cool, whatever. i just say you should have called because girls liked to be called soon, and girls also love valentine's day so they can tell their friends that they got the coolest valentine's day call, from the guy they hung out with.

anyway, well, if you're paranoid about her reading too much into it, then maybe not calling her was good. i dunno really how women that have 8 year old daughters feel about that kind of stuff :think:

dh girlie

Megan Black said:
that's cool, whatever. i just say you should have called because girls liked to be called soon, and girls also love valentine's day so they can tell their friends that they got the coolest valentine's day call, from the guy they hung out with.

anyway, well, if you're paranoid about her reading too much into it, then maybe not calling her was good. i dunno really how women that have 8 year old daughters feel about that kind of stuff :think:
I'd say they did a little more that just hang out...


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
And once again, another thread straight to the gutter :p
Fuggin excellent!
Thanks for the laughs!


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
laura said:
rules dealing with women and sex are stupid. just call her, moron. :monkey:
Amen... if you want to call her then call her. If you liked her whats the harm in calling her the next day and saying something like "you know we really didnt get to know eachother all that well, wanna go out and get a drink". I think that it would make her probably respect you more.

Now what you have done is wait 3 days and then call her... she's probably been thinking about you for 3 days and probably starting to think she made a mistake. In other words dial the damn number ASAP moron. And be fahking honest with her, i.e. "sorry I didnt call you because Im a nervous doof".


Carbon Porn Star
Sep 11, 2001
Danbury, CT
Screw V-day! I didn't make any mention of V-day with the little lady I've been hanging with, a smart move I think, on my part.
There are just some lines you don't want to cross *yet* with early relationships, regardless of the type. Precedents you don't want to set.
At least, in my opinion. This is my first foray back after over 6 years, so what do I know, really?
I think I'll just go work on my bikes a little more, that's what I'm better at...:)
Good luck though Zark bra! :)
When are we hitting the bars again?



Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
Well, its all good in 'da hood.
We talked for quite a while and will be doing something possible Friday.
I made no mention of V-day, and neither did she. :evil:


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
dh girlie said:
Dude...you already made plans for Friday with Just James...and now I, a girl...have to tell you...BROS BEFORE HO'S DUDE!!!! :D
That was a "maybe" :rolleyes:

James understands ;) The 19y/o will keep him "occupied" Friday :p

And Rob, what kind of dumb question is that? I called her so I can hit it again! What would you rather have: tickets to one game or season tickets? :sneaky:


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
Zark said:
And Rob, what kind of dumb question is that? I called her so I can hit it again! What would you rather have: tickets to one game or season tickets? :sneaky:
I know I was kidding, but I like your one game/season tickets analogy. I am gonna use that in the future. Chics always ask, are you looking for a one night stand :cool:

That will be my answer from now on :D

Has anyone mentioned the crappiness of the smileys lately?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
SkaredShtles said:
Yeah, right. Your opinion is representative of approximately .000000032% of the female population. :p

Well, then apparently that's the percentage of women that I'm limited to.

I agree wit dhg - "rules" or "guidelines" are stupid. If I like a girl, and call her, and she considers it "too soon", then f**k her, I'm not going to deal with that kind of nonsense.

Life and women are plenty complicated, you don't need to add stupid rules about when to call them on top of it. If I get a phone number, I call her when I damn well feel like calling her - if it was too long, well, sorry, I guess I wasn't that interested. If it's too quick, well hey, I'm that interested and if she doesn't like it, she can kiss off.

dh girlie

binary visions said:
Well, then apparently that's the percentage of women that I'm limited to.

I agree wit dhg - "rules" or "guidelines" are stupid. If I like a girl, and call her, and she considers it "too soon", then f**k her, I'm not going to deal with that kind of nonsense.

Life and women are plenty complicated, you don't need to add stupid rules about when to call them on top of it. If I get a phone number, I call her when I damn well feel like calling her - if it was too long, well, sorry, I guess I wasn't that interested. If it's too quick, well hey, I'm that interested and if she doesn't like it, she can kiss off.
Actually, that was Laura...but I DID agree with her. As long as you don't do the drunk dial at 4 a.m. the same night you met her...then you're golden! :thumb:

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
dh girlie said:
Actually, that was Laura...but I DID agree with her. As long as you don't do the drunk dial at 4 a.m. the same night you met her...then you're golden! :thumb:
Ahh, yeah, sorry laura - I just went off the last post that I remembered indicating that the "rules" were stupid :D

As far as the 4am "drunk dial" goes, well, I think 4am drunk phone calls are a bad idea to anyone (except obnoxious friends who you like to prank call :p), so I'd mark that as a given ;)


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
If you really want "season tickets", box seats even, do something that includes her kid. That way you can hook up with her any night, not just when she can bag a sitter.


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
dan-o said:
If you really want "season tickets", box seats even, do something that includes her kid. That way you can hook up with her any night, not just when she can bag a sitter.
I might have to ease into that. I'm not buying season tickets just yet, I'm not sure if that into the team and don't know the full roster :D


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
Zark said:
I might have to ease into that. I'm not buying season tickets just yet, I'm not sure if that into the team and don't know the full roster :D
Use the kids lack of filter to find out if the mom is a loser. "Mommy has lots of friends over. You're my favorite this week!" or "My daddy's in jail for murder. He looks forward to meeting you".

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
dan-o said:
Use the kids lack of filter to find out if the mom is a loser. "Mommy has lots of friends over. You're my favorite this week!" or "My daddy's in jail for murder. He looks forward to meeting you".
Did that come out as a "Ralphie" voice in anyone else's head?

"Oh boy.. sleep! That's where I'm a viking!"