
Well I failed.....


Git yer dumb questions here
Feb 19, 2003
I just thought I'd share with some of you guys what I endured this weekend. I've been wanting to go for my motorcycle permit test so I can move onto getting a license and getting a motorcycle. At age 18 the insurance was stupid expensive, and I wanted to live LOL. I always wanted a street bike (crotch rocket) so I figured enough, I want one.

I'm 26 (will be 27 this year) so I gave it some time. I thought if I would really want to learn on a street bike and decided no, something like a street legal dirt bike would be fine. I started looking around and fell in love with the DRZ400SM. Dirt bike with sport bike'ish tires. 400cc, wouldn't cause an insurance problem, and they are around pretty cheap new.

So for the last few months I've dabbled into taking online tests to get ready, skimmed over the hand book (didn't read it all that well) and figured I should just go take the test to see what it is about. I am horrible at taking paper tests. I fail about everything that is handed to me that is multiple choice. I am just not good at tests. If you told me to build something, or assemble something (such as a car engine) I can do it no problem. Have me take a 50 question test and it doesn't go so well.

So I go to the DMV on Saturday, as it's their Saturday they are open. I pay the $28 (was only $15 when I had to take my permit test.......guess that was 10 years ago LOL). I got handed 2 tests and figured ok. The driving test, which was car questions I got 19 out of 20. I've been driving since I was 16 so by this point I should get most of those right. I tihnk it said 3 was a fail so I felt fine.

Onto the motorcycle one. I answered all the questions, take it up to the guy, and he marks 6 wrong. 4 was passing. I was like "F*$&*". He goes you can re-take the 2nd one anytime. I said cool, how about now (me being hard headed). He handed me the second test. I finished it and got 5 wrong. I had one question right, but second guessed myself and changed it. So I was pissed. The guy was like you have one last chance for this round of $28. I was like I can do it, so I get the 3rd test and failed it again. Got 5 wrong. I missed such a stupid one I was upset at myself. The other ones that I got wrong were all stupid ones too. Now that they marked the correct answers I can see where I went wrong. So now I got 3 tests to study from.

I just wanted to express my frustration with the DMV. I know I failed.......2 of the 3 by only 1 question. I thought the guy would have been nice enough of the one where I had the answer right, but marked it wrong would be like "do you see where you went wrong", let me correct it like he seemed to for some old basturd, and let me go on my way. I was so mad & upset I really was tempted to stop with the motorcycle and give up.

I'm hard headed........if you couldn't tell by taking the test 3 times in one day. If I choose to do this again if I fail the 4th test I'll quit for a week and study some more. It just drives me nuts because I know that the knowledge of the test is just that, a written test, but half the questions have nothing to do with driving a motorcycle at all. It just drives me nuts.

Rant over..........I wanted a bike for transportation, cheap on gas, and in the city I live in there's no real reason to drive a car everywhere. I am smart enough to know I'd die on a R6 or R1/CBR600/1000/GSXR600/1000 and went the route of a dirt bike made for the street. I'd even go for a Harley or something down the road. I guess like anything you just have to study and keep going at it.


Sep 20, 2004
In My '09 WRX STI
Don't give up Spung......I failed my first mo mo permit test....now I have my mo mo license and ride a '07 GSXR 600...
Last edited:


I come bearing GIFs
May 10, 2005
Study long and study hard. Rushing yourself to get on a bike can lead to bad things.



Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
I failed my first test as well. I used real world logic gained from years of riding. Apparently, real world (ie this is how you stay alive) logic does not pass tests. I"ve had my license for almost 4 years now.


Basking in fail.
Jan 28, 2004
Wait, you're upset because you can't pass the same test after three tries and they tell you to come back after studying?

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Sounds like you really went into the test half-assed. You shouldn't be frustrated with the DMV when you're the one who set yourself up for failure. If you want the license so badly, try putting forth some effort with the studying.

Good luck on your next one.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 20, 2006
Boise Idaho
are you sure you really want a street bike ? i use to want a harley as well until a couple of weeks ago. i took my dad to a dodger game and were driving down the freeway and all of a sudden traffic starts slowing down theres an motorcycle accident i look over to the other side of the freeway and right in the middle of the 2 lane on the freeway there's a harley guy giving another harley guy cpr .as we passed i was thinking i didn't need to see that and we go down the freeway about 30 min. a traffic report comes on the radio a motor cyclist was involed in a fatal accident . after seeing that i never want a harley .


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
are you sure you really want a street bike ? i use to want a harley as well until a couple of weeks ago. i took my dad to a dodger game and were driving down the freeway and all of a sudden traffic starts slowing down theres an motorcycle accident i look over to the other side of the freeway and right in the middle of the 2 lane on the freeway there's a harley guy giving another harley guy cpr .as we passed i was thinking i didn't need to see that and we go down the freeway about 30 min. a traffic report comes on the radio a motor cyclist was involed in a fatal accident . after seeing that i never want a harley .

Seriously, when I got my bike, I heard all these stories. Do you like when somebody tells you how dangerous downhill racing is because so and so wrecked? Same with all the peeps that pipe in about road riding when there is an accident. Life is dangerous.


Oct 28, 2007
Fairmont WV
Not bad

I am Almost willing to devorce my wife for one of these....

j/k of course

That would be the only way I could ever get one though :redface::banghead::(


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Seriously, study that handbok. Your permit answers will sound just like what is in the hand book, then onc eyou have your permit..... Go take a Motorcycle class. You will learn a bunch of technique, mroe skills than you would find on your onw, and best of all, most all states recognize an accredited<sp> motorcycle class as an equivalent to there road test, if you pass the class that is


Jun 17, 2008
tHat's the exact bike I almost bought......Just like taking apart an engine....Recognize the steps and repeat. The answers should be just about the same if not identical to the study book....:cheers:

Here is my bike....and truck:poster_oops:

Bike gets 40+ mpg I believe, truck gets around 10+:ban:mpg

Good luck and always remember that your invisible on the road...DO not think for one second that anyone ever sees you.

How's that bike feel at speed? I was wondering how the travel would feel @ 70mph plus. And what's the expected mileage out of the engine configuration?


Turbo Monkey
Dec 20, 2006
Boise Idaho
Seriously, when I got my bike, I heard all these stories. Do you like when somebody tells you how dangerous downhill racing is because so and so wrecked? Same with all the peeps that pipe in about road riding when there is an accident. Life is dangerous.
i agree.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
I just wanted to express my frustration with the DMV. I know I failed.......2 of the 3 by only 1 question. I thought the guy would have been nice enough of the one where I had the answer right, but marked it wrong would be like "do you see where you went wrong", let me correct it like he seemed to for some old basturd, and let me go on my way.
There is not a "No child left behind program" for adults.
Motos are dangerous enough for all the clueless dolts who do pass the test.
Study up and get that $hit dialed before you even think about hitting the road.


May 27, 2004
Matthews, NC
seriously, motorcycle test and learning to ride should not be half assed. study and practice not to pass the test but to actually learn something. i took the msf course about a month ago and it was the best thing I could have done. purchased my first bike about a month ago too.



Beware of Milo & Otis
Jan 6, 2006
North Andover MA
I'm not really sure what your mad at the DMV for? What is it, exactly, that they did wrong? Or are you just upset that you didn't pass?

I think the funniest thing about your post was that you expected the DMV to 'let' you pass because you 'almost' got the right answer!!! hahahahhahaha...:rofl:


Jun 11, 2008
I think the funniest thing about your post was that you expected the DMV to 'let' you pass because you 'almost' got the right answer!!! hahahahhahaha...:rofl:
I dont know, driving and riding around here,I swear, half the drivers on the road must have been passed because they almost got it right...most of them sure as hell dont know how to drive!

To the OP, Read the handbook, a couple times. I Had been riding dirt bikes for 12 years before I took my test. Some of that experiance helped with the test, but most of the stuff was right out of that book. And has been said the best advice for after you get your permit/license, ride like you are invisible! Even when someone makes eye contact, dont assume they see you.


Jul 18, 2005
Dirty South
You only die once.

Ive ridden street bikes for 30,000 or 40,000 miles, never had an issue and do wheelies, stoppies and burnouts. Im on my second R1 now(wore the first one out). Anyone who says theyre a death sentence shouldnt ride one, and probably shouldnt leave their house. Its all about awareness, skill and confidence. Experience doesnt hurt either, but there is only one way to build that. Get out and ride. I love motards and they are probably a great choice for a starter bike. Id love one for tooling around in traffic and ripping up the urban jungle.


Git yer dumb questions here
Feb 19, 2003
Thanks guys for both the positive and errr........"constructive" comments :)

I think the comment above about people driving that probably shouldn't somehow can pass a written test, but those who can drive correctly fail. I've always read stories about how they've allowed a question to be corrected, and I think it rubbed me the wrong way when some 65 year old basturd was asked to sit off to the side and correct his questions and for me it was like "oh well".

I know, I paid to take it and failed it, 3 times in a row. I wanted to see where I stood with the half arsed approach to studying for it. I came within 1 of passing so I know I am close, I just have to study some more and go give it another shot.

My girlfriend gave me the 9th degree on things that are safe. I told her that I surf & bike ride. They both aren't the safest things in the book. I've never done anything outside of my ability, probably why I've never been hurt doing them. I waited this long to try for a motorcycle as I could have done this 10 years ago. I figured I cared about life enough to skip the street bike and go for something simpler. When I came to that conclusion I figured it was time to take it more seriously.

I was told to not be mad, which could be true, but who wouldn't after failing a test 3 times? I've calmed down now........realized that I just need to study more and go stab at it again. Atleast I know what I am taking this time around.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I was told to not be mad, which could be true, but who wouldn't after failing a test 3 times?
Your original post makes it clear that you think your anger should be directed somewhere other than at yourself - why? You failed the test three times. It's not the DMV guy's fault that he didn't let you cheat.

If you don't know the material, and fail the test, it's a sign that you really didn't know it and you need to study. If you take it again, it's only an optimistic stab in the dark. A third time is just flushing money down the toilet. Next time you get this urge, PM me and I will give you a useful Paypal address you can use for this purpose.


Patches O'Houlihan
Aug 7, 2006
Tustin, CA
Take the MSF course. I don't know where you are, but in Cali they waive the riding portion of the test if you do. No offense, but I thought the written was pretty common sense and they take the questions basically word for word right out of the handbook. Just study for a week or so and go back. When you ride, you will always get people that tell you how dangerous it is, they are just too scared to live their life. Riding a motorcycle is one of the best things I have done. I actually think it's easier to pay attention when you're riding, because there is nothing else to do. No cellphone, no radio, no nagging passengers (if you do have a passenger, they are usually to scared to bother you). It's an awesome experience....make it happen. When I first started out, I rode a streetbike for 2 years without my parents even knowing....just kept it at my girls house....

This was my third bike...damn I need another one....I think an RC51....



Git yer dumb questions here
Feb 19, 2003
Maybe it's the me being 19 part, but your right. He's just stupid.
I guess being 19 makes you what, a teenager if 26 doesn't make you a man?

Comments like this are what I find on other message boards. Oh well......guess each has it's own maturity age.

True, I failed something. I understand that. I said in a previous post, I fail just about all paper given tests. I admit I didn't study enough. When I was in school I failed about every paper test given. If asked the question I can answer it fine, but on paper for whatever reason I can't. Sure I made it though school, because you have a range of questions you could get right/wrong. In the DMV's case I did too.

It's good to know there's some that are encouraging on here. I really had no one to gripe to about it. I was kinda embarrassed to keep prying at it all on the same day, but what's done is done.

Thanks for the :monkeydance:'s that are helpful & have positive things to say. I guess that's what I was looking for was some encouragement to keep at it.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river

True, I failed something. I understand that. I said in a previous post, I fail just about all paper given tests. I admit I didn't study enough. When I was in school I failed about every paper test given. If asked the question I can answer it fine, but on paper for whatever reason I can't. Sure I made it though school, because you have a range of questions you could get right/wrong. In the DMV's case I did too.

It's good to know there's some that are encouraging on here. I really had no one to gripe to about it. I was kinda embarrassed to keep prying at it all on the same day, but what's done is done.

Thanks for the :monkeydance:'s that are helpful & have positive things to say. I guess that's what I was looking for was some encouragement to keep at it.
Look on the bright side - for $28 you get 3 more tries! :thumb: :D


Git yer dumb questions here
Feb 19, 2003
Look on the bright side - for $28 you get 3 more tries! :thumb: :D
I just have to walk away if the test doesn't go the way I want. I'll be sure though to take my hand book and read it, study my failed tests, and go try it again. Best thing I can think to do.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Take the MSF class. I learned a ton there. FYI, they don't like you doing wheelies, stoppies, or causing other general mayhem.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Take the MSF course. I don't know where you are, but in Cali they waive the riding portion of the test if you do. No offense, but I thought the written was pretty common sense and they take the questions basically word for word right out of the handbook
Very true, the written portion is extremly easy, if you read the hanbook.

. When you ride, you will always get people that tell you how dangerous it is, they are just too scared to live their life. Riding a motorcycle is one of the best things I have done. .
Just to be clear, it IS dangerous. dont fool yourself by saying its safe because you are. Also dont get me wrong, I ride myself. ALOT. But I dont belive for one second that its not dangerous.

As for myself, I dont know if I would say its the best thing, but its pretty damn close.....

For anyone who wants to ride, I have four basic rules to keep you alive

1: If your on a Motorcycle, YOU ARE INVISIBLE!!!!! Period.

2: If they can they will. In other words, if they can pull in front of you, cut you off, expect they will.......See rule number one.

3: Always, ALWAYS, have two ways out. If something happens, you want to be able to have more than one option to get yourself somewhere safe.

4: remember, your the only one that is responsible for your safety, noone else.


Patches O'Houlihan
Aug 7, 2006
Tustin, CA
I'm not saying it's not dangerous. You need to be prepared, just like everything else. Not to mention, that if you have not really ridden before, I guarantee you that the first quick snap of the throttle on a street bike will scare the crap out of you (that was part of the attraction for me). The acceleration is like nothing else.

You do have to look out, because people sometimes just don't see you. There are some people that are just jerks, but in my experience, most people are polite and are actually nicer to you that they are to someone in a car.

Just don't put yourself in crappy situations. Don't ride right next to a car or in their blindspot. Make sure you know who is behind you because you can stop faster than any car. You will have close calls, you might even go down, but it is up to you to minimize all the risk.

Listen to Mike's #1. Oh and don't be the douche riding around in shorts and flip flops. Buy a damn leather jacket, some good gloves (I love my Alpinestars GP Plus) and some solid shoes that cover your ankles (you like your ankles and being able to walk, don't you).

These are nice....
