
Well... it's official... (WMD Newz)

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Search for Banned Arms In Iraq Ended Last Month
Washington Post | 12 Jan | Dafna Linzer | LINK

The hunt for biological, chemical and nuclear weapons in Iraq has come to an end nearly two years after President Bush ordered U.S. troops to disarm Saddam Hussein. The top CIA weapons hunter is home, and analysts are back at Langley.

In interviews, officials who served with the Iraq Survey Group (ISG) said the violence in Iraq, coupled with a lack of new information, led them to fold up the effort shortly before Christmas.

Four months after Charles A. Duelfer, who led the weapons hunt in 2004, submitted an interim report to Congress that contradicted nearly every prewar assertion about Iraq made by top Bush administration officials, a senior intelligence official said the findings will stand as the ISG's final conclusions and will be published this spring.


Another link: http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20050112/ap_on_re_mi_ea/us_iraq_weapons&cid=540&ncid=1480

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
dante said:
yay. we've found weapons of mass distruction... related.... program... activities. :think:

will Bush/Neocons actually come clean that they made a mistake. i won't hold my breath... :stosh:

Neocon = a code word for conservative non-liberal voting Jewish folk???


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
"Now that the search is finished, President Bush needs to explain to the American people why he was so wrong, for so long, about the reasons for war," she said.

well its not that he was wrong its just that he was lying all along. most of his supporters dont care either they will still continue to support him and now he has been re-elected so who cares anyway.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
dante said:
yup, another reason why Safire is a complete and utter moron.

wouldn't think you'd be that dumb, but guess I'm wrong. :thumb:



Dec 6, 2004
new conservative, anyone who is conservative and under fifty is often slandered as a neocon.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
From The Onion last week:


TEHRAN, IRAN (June 19)—The U.S. military's long search for weapons of mass destruction ended Wednesday when state officials in North Korea and Iran admitted to having nuclear-weapons programs.

"Our uranium-enrichment program is part of our plan to make Iran a nuclear state," Iranian foreign minister Kamal Kharazi said. "The U.S. wishes to remove nuclear capabilities from our hands as a way of achieving their ultimate goal: the collapse of the ruling Islamic establishment."

North Korean Vice-Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sum said North Korea resumed its plutonium-reprocessing program as a part of its plan to produce nuclear weapons.

"The United States is correct: Weapons of mass destruction are falling into the hands of their enemies," Paek said. "My country has been reprocessing plutonium ever since the U.S. withdrew from an aid agreement after accusing North Korea of enriching uranium. Consider the situation highly destabilized."

Paek's statements echoed those of Mohamed ElBaradei, director general of the IAEA, who said several months ago that he believed North Korea may have built between four and six nuclear bombs.

Secretary of State Colin Powell expressed relief that the long and difficult hunt for WMDs is finally over.

"These discoveries show us that the U.S. was right all along—dangerous nations do harbor nuclear intentions," Powell said. "Given our suspicions that hardline elements within the Iranian regime were in league with senior al-Qaeda officials, the invasion of Iraq has finally been vindicated."


Nov 15, 2003
I may be completely wrong, but I've always thought Neocon referred to someone who followed the political philosopher Leo Strauss. Examples would be Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, and to a lesser degree Rumsfeld.

I think people that support neocons like these really need to look into Straussian teachings to understand exactly what it means to be a neocon. Strauss stated that in order for a nation to survive it had to control its people by keeping them occupied with a common, united battle against some evil in the world. Whether that evil is real or fabricated is irrelevant according to Strauss, because it is required to maintain social order. According to Strauss it is the duty of the elite to ensure the people believe in the cause.

With that in mind, I don't understand how anyone could possibly support the neocons given that their entire philosophy is based on promoting to the public what is possibly (and almost certainly given the current evidence) a lie.

I don't believe that Bush is a Neoconservative, his father certainly was not. I think that following September 11, the neocons began to gain power in his administration, claiming that their assertion of some evil force out to destroy us had been right all along. I think to be safe Bush is doing whatever the Neocons tell him to, and that involves one by one crossing names off the list of nations in the 'axis of evil'.

What does this have to do with the search for WMD's? Well I think its pretty good evidence the neocons are trying to do the same thing they did in the cold war, find a threat to the United States, no matter how small, then fabricate some extensive evil organization behind it all that will keep the people afraid. People that are afraid will be loyal to a group that promises them protection. As long as these neocons are in power, I think they will always find ways to keep us afraid, whether a threat exists or not.